>From you to me, and back to you (colorless)
By Henrique Nigre Souza
Mart Center
Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 3rd, 2001
128 players
5 rounds of Swiss, top 8 goes to single elimination.
Hi people,
My name is Henrique, I'm 23 and this is my first report
to Pojo, although
I constantly come here to see new decks and keep an eye on the new
Devir bookstore (Only Pokemon distributor in Brazil)
decided to make a DCI
Pokemon Tournament in Brazil, and this was an event many people here
waiting for a long
time. Despite the fact this tournament would be run in Sao Paulo (I live
Rio de Janeiro,
300 miles away Sao Paulo), a friend and I decided to participate. For
surprise, we found
many other players there from Rio, and other places equally far from
which left us a
sensation that a National would be run there.
I took this
1 Cleffa
3 Clefairy (Base set)
2 Clefable (jungle)
4 Ditto (fossil)
3 Dratini (Base set)
2 Dark Dragonair
1 Dark Dragonite
3 Doduo (base set)
2 Dodrio (base set)
======================> 21 Pokemons
3 Professor Elm
2 computer search
2 Item Finder
2 Gold Berry
4 Berry
3 Defender
1 Nightly Garbage Run
1 The Boss's Way
3 No Removal Gym
======================> 21 Trainers
4 Potion Energy
4 Full Heal energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
4 recycle Energy
2 Dark Energy
======================> 18 Energy
The idea is
using the opponent's attack against himself, using
Ditto, Clefable,
and Clefairy. Dark Dragonair and Dark Dragonite are there to get the
pokemons I need, and Dodrio
for reduce the retreating cost for all of them.
Since many
pokemons have few HP, I throw Berry, Gold Berry and
Defender inside. Elm,
Comp Search, Boss way, Cleffa and Item Finder would find what I need,
if necessary,
Garbage Run would get Ditto and Clefable back to my deck. And to take
Sprout Tower away,
No Removal Gym would fit perfectly.
'There can't
any problem...' I thought...
Fire => Typhosium/Dark Charizard/Cleffa were the main pokemons
Have you
ever tried to copy dark Charizard attack without fire
energy attached to Ditto
or to Clefable? Well, that was the situation...
Game 1 => The chronicle of the game was: His dark Charizard hitting
every pokemon I had,
until I get Dodrio or Dark Dragonair to hit him. Unfortunately, none of
appeared. 0 x 1
Game 2 => The only pokemon he got was a Cleffa. And there was no
pokemons in my hand.
Then, he got a Charmander... To know about the rest of the game, read game
above... 0 x 2
Result: 0 x 2
Day score => 0-1, 0-2
happened the real disaster for the day: one of the judges said
us that, different
from what was said in the beginning of the tournament, we would have
minutes between the
rounds. So, my friend and I decided to have lunch during this time. For
surprise, when
we come back, the round had begun, and the had lost for W.O.
After a long
argumentation, in which the judge admitted his mistake,
the Head Judge
dishonestly (this will be the explained later) said that he would solve
problem later, but
for the time he couldn't do anything. In his words he "would not commit
new mistake to confirm
the other mistake".
IMHO, in doing nothing he was committing the real
W.O. against. 0 x 2
Day Score => 0-2, 0-4
tournament ruined, all the preparation gone to the sewer... So
I decided at least
end the day with 3 victories, to prove myself that I really had a chance
be in the Top 8...
Psychic/Water => Gyrados, Fossil Articuno, Jigglypuff and many
psychic/water basic pokemons
'Table 48...
Table 48... My deck does not deserve that...' I was
thinking while shuffling
to the match...
Game 1 => He began throwing many basic pokemons, and I had only a
Dratini. I
still don't know
how it survived to the assault of a Horsea and a Jigglypuff. In fact,
know, my opponent
was only beginning to play... Anyway, after 8 rounds (Berry, berry,
finder for berry,
item finder again for berry), I got a Cleffa, and the game turned into
and I finally defeated him. But it took a long time... 1 x 0
Game 2 => When the game 2 started, we had only 5 minutes to play. My
was fine, with a
Dark Dragonair and a Clefable hitting hard, but there was no time... So,
judge decided
for a tie...
Result: 1 x 0
Day Score => 1-2, 1-4
Psychic => Sabrina Kadabra, Sabrina Hypno, Dark Alakazam
Two games to
Game 1: He was playing very slowly, and didn't know very well about his
pokemon attacks...
Dark Kadabra caused me some trouble, since I couldn't use Ditto as I
but when he lost
his Sabrina hypno, it runs quickly. 1 x 0
Game 2: This time, he got the Sabrina hypno early in the game, and it
bad to me, since he
defeated 2 ditto until I got a dark dragonair to hit him. I began to
with dragonair and
a later Clefable while he didn't got a Dark Kadabra. The game continued
balanced, until
I got a second clefable, without damage counters, so he couldn't use
Hypno's pendulum
curse. We were almost out of time, but Dark Dragonair defeated him just
time. 2 x 0
Result: 2 x 0
Day Score => 2-2, 3-4
Fire => Charizard, Fossil Magmar
One game to
go... I was out of chances to get a better position,
only playing to save
my honor...
Game 1: I got in panic when he got a Magmar and 2 Charmander in bench,
remembering first
round. I opened with a ditto, and a Clefairy on bench, which promptly
a clefable. For my
luck, he didn't got many energies, and when he got his third energy, I
already got 4 prizes,
due to clefable metronome. This game ended also with a metronome, I
that a Clefairy did
in a Charizard Fire Spin... 1 x 0
Game 2: Relieved for the fact of his deck didn't have Dark Charizards,
went to the battle more
confident in my deck. His Charizard, this time was charged early in
game, and defeated a
Clefable and a Ditto. Meanwhile, I charged a Dark Dragonair, and got
Clefairy. When he defeated
Ditto, I send Dragonair, used his pokemon power to get the other
and did 50 damage, due
to a heads flip and a dark energy attached to it. He defeated Dark
Dragonair, but was in bad
shape to face Clefable. Then, I played garbage run, to get the 2 ditto,
the other clefable
back to the deck. Promptly, in the next draw, a ditto appeared, the I
defeated him... 2 x 0
Final score => 3-2, 5-4
Final standings: 51st. If I played that match, and won, I would be for
one of top 16,
or maybe, top 8, and go to the finals...
I still
stayed there to see the finals. In the end, all the top 4
were playing with
Sneasel-slowpoke decks, but the third game of the final was decided with
Erika's Jigglypuff
(game begins, DCE attached to Jigglypuff, Plus Power, Plus Power,
punch to defeated a
Sneasel, which was the only pokemon the opponent played).
My friend,
who also lost by W.O., ended in 25th... If he had won, he
would be in top 8.
- For all the players;
- Devir Bookstore, for finally begin to make sanctioned tournaments here
- For Artur, who helped me to design the deck
- For Artur, Miguel and Arthur, for the cards
- For Devir bookstore, why only making good tournaments in Sao
- For the judge who gave us the wrong information. No major comments,
it's hard to accept
that I've been preparing for the tournament during 3 weeks, and lost to
wrong information.
MAJOR SLOPS: for the Head Judge. I can barely forgive the other judge,
he was 12, and
really didn't want to cause trouble. But this head judge claimed that
friend and I were
(in the middle of other things) dishonest, stupid, were trying to
trouble to the tournament.
Not enough, said that there isn't a Pokemon DCI World Ranking, and tried
cheat the score ranks
to show that my friend wouldn't be top 8 if he had won the round 2
Only to show the situation: my friend only defeat was the WO. He got 3
and a tie for time,
scoring 10 points. The head judge appeared later saying the would have
12 points. So he
kept the defeat on round 2, and changed the TIE ON ROUND 4! And the
thing is that my
friend would be 8th instead of 5th, and still would have the right to
in the top 8!
Unfortunately I have to put one more slop to Devir Bookstore, who let
asshole like this be
the head judge of a big and cool tournament. This guy don't deserve
these lines, but I think
is better to show what can happen when a dishonest person is put as a
judge a tournament.
Any further comment, you can call me at hencs@lycos.com.