The Real Deal V1.0 (Lightning/Steel)
by Ed Sullivan
Hobbytown USA
Lincoln, Nebraska
Sunday, June 10th, 2001
17 total participants

      Ok, this is not my first KDR, but my other ones never got posted, so
I'm going to try again.  I didn't expect this deck to do any good, because I
built it on the way there in the car.  But I was pleasently surprised, and
just to save you lazy people the trouble, I'll tell you that I got 4th place
right now.  As for the rest of you who like to read these things and find out
strategies and stuff like that, here goes!  Oh, yeah, one more thing.  This
is not the original version, but I didn't have all the cards I wanted, so
this is the built version 1.0

The Real Deal
3-Rocket's Zapdos
3-Clefairy (2-Neo, 1-Base)
2-Clefable (Jungle)
4-Gold Berry
*3-Item Finder
2-No Removal Gym
4-Professor Oak
3-Energy Charge
4-Gust of Wind
4-Computer Search
10-Lightning Energy
4-Metal Energy

*=  I had 3 Item Finder, but I just found out that somebody stole one of them.
**=  I had 3 Switch, but someone stole one of them, so I replaced it with a
Scoop Up.

By the way, there were no notes allowed, so I'm doing this totally out of
memory.  Sorry.

The Matches

Round 1-The Real Deal VS. Zach (Rocket's Zapdos/Ditto/Scyther)
OK, I have to tell you, this kid was a jerk.  Before hand, I had been talking
with my friend that I had just made that day, and the kid walks over and
starts talking about how he can kick both our butts, so my friend says he'll
battle him with his (ahem, not exact words ;]) "bad" deck, and the kid stalls
for 15 minutes until the tourney starts.  Anyway, I end up battling him the
first round.  I start with a Skarmory and Clefairy, him with Ditto and
Rocket's Zapdos.  I go first.  I draw, I can't remember exactly how, but I
end up getting a couple Metals on Skarmory, and Steel Wing my way to Victory,
knocking out 3 Dittos, a R. Zapdos, and a Scyther.

Round 2-The Real Deal VS. ?????????? (Ditto/Rocket's Zapdos/Chaos Gym)
This may not sound like such a good deck, but you'll soon find out it was.  
And this match I find a new strategy with Clefable ;).   I start with
Clefairy (have Clefable in hand), and bench a Rocket's Zapdos and Electabuzz.
 I go first.  Attach an Energy, and pass.  She starts with Ditto, Rocket's
Zapdos benched.  She attaches Energy to Ditto, passes.  I evolve, and here's
where the new strategy comes in!  I Metronome the Ditto's Metronome, so I get
to chose one of my attacks, and I Minimize.  She does the same, and this goes
on for about 15 minutes until she finally kills me with R. Zapdos after I
killed her other R. Zapdos thanks to a Gust of Wind.  We are even on prizes,
and time is called.  we have 3 turns of overtime, whoever gets a prize first
wins.  She has Ditto active, I have Rocket's Zapdos, easy win.

Round 3-The Real Deal VS. Ben Zoz (ranked 1st in Nebraska) (Slowking/Sneasel)
Good Lord, I HATE Slowking!!!!!!!!!  But luckily, he starts with Slowpoke, I
start with Rocket's Zapdos, 2 PlusPowers, an Oak, Item FInder, Switch, and
Energy.  I attach Energy, lay down 2 PlusPowers, Oak, Computer Search, lay
down another PlusPower, and bam, it's over.  I stand up and shout, "YES!!!  I
GONNA SKYROCKET!!!"  But later on, you'll see the real power of Slowking/

Round 4-The Real Deal VS.?????????? (Slowking/Rocket's Zapdos)
Is it just me, or does R. Zapdos seem REALLY popular around here?  This is
the one match I remember very little of, but I know I killed one Slowking and
a Rocket's Zapdos, and was ahead when time was called.

Semi-Finals Round 1-The Real Deal VS. Zach (same guy from round 1)
This guy swore revenge upon me.  Currently I was Number 1, so I had a good
feeling.  I started with Electabuzz and Clefairy and R. Zapdos on the Bench.  
He starts with Ditto and R. Zapdos on the Bench.  This was a VERY long round,
lasting almost an hour, because there is no time limit in Semi finals or
Finals.  It turned into a stalling game, with him up by 1 card in his deck.  
We were each tied at two prizes, me with 4 cards left in ym deck, him with 5.
 I draw...Energy Charge!  I would like to say I used it, flipped heads, and
won the game, but unfortunately that didn't happen.  I got tails, and he
looked through his Discard, found he had used all his Nightly Garbage Runs
and Item Finders.  He knocks out one of my Pokemon, two minutes left, he's up
by one Prize and 1 card.  I draw my last card...Energy Charge!  NOW I go on
to flip heads and win the game.

Battle to see who battles for 1-2, or 3-4 VS. Ben Zoz
I was hoping it would be the same as before, because I know I am no match
against him, but it didn't.  To make a long story short, he gusts out
Energy-starved Pokes and kills them with Sneasel.  he congratulated me on
having such a great deck, though.

Battle for 3rd or 4th VS. ??????????(Old style Haymaker)
Yeah, believe it or not, this guy had a Haymaker with nothing dating beyond
Fossil except for 1 Rocket's Hitmonchan.  I start with Base Clefairy, him
with Hitmonchan, he goes first, wham, its over.  Dang, that was too quick.

Well, I ended up 4th, getting 1 pack of Neo 2, in which I got a dumb NON-HOLO
Unown A.  >P

Ben Zoz, for being a good winner and a good loser.
Liz, for being who she is.
My dad, for taking me.
The guy from Round 7, for being a good winner.
Linkin Park, for kicking major (not my usual words, thanks to the stupid
rules set by PoJo) butt.
Drwoning Pool
Random Props monkeys.
Andy, for cheating on Liz.
Dustin, for getting to Liz before me.
Whoever stole my Item Finder.
Whoever stole my Switch.
The guy from Round 1, for being a jerk.
Marylin Manson
Random Slops to chimps.

You can Email me at
This has been another presentation by Ed Sullivan, so now I'll get out of
your hair.