electro burning chansey V1.o
Salt lake utah QT tourney
57 participats(11-14)

before I start with this report I would like to say thanks to dodo2121 for the deck idea I would also like to especially thank Tareq and Sammy Falah for letting me borrow thier cards also the rest of team NHC for thier support especially zarin(Gligar) and keldon for how much support they really gave me but I think those packs I gave you were thanks enough.
And finally I would like to thank all the little people. Without these scrubs there would have been no tourney and no trip for the prize.
before the tourney I was deciding wich deck to play slowking or steel chansey. I should have played slowking like dan did(my best friend who won the other trip). We had a full deck already made wich was slowking. and then I met up with sammy and tareq and I started making steel chansey when tarez came back and said "slowking is going to dominate this tourney"
after hearing that I decided to start making slowking but tareq stopped me and told me to just play steel chansey so I did.

electric edge
3xRocket Zapados


4xPC Search
4xItem finder
4xGold berry
3xGust of wind
2xEco Gym
2xNo Rwmoval gym
1xEnergy Charge
4xPlus power

Now what did I do wrong I know I only had 60 cards in there

1st round Kelly vs lisa ???
I got info that she was really some 5 year old girl who didn't want to show up so 3 points
1-0 3 points

2nd round kelly vs. scrub with scrbby deck
oh this one was just to short to remember
2-0 6 points

3rd round vs. some cheater
This kid tried to cheat a lot and got DQued in the 4th round for using a different deck but I eventually got a zapados going with 3 electric and 2 steel and beat him down
3-0 9 points

4th round vs. Zarin(1) with darkplum with sneasel and steel chansey(member of NHC)
I eventually get out a chansey with 2 steel and a D.C.E. and had lots of gold barries and gust's for his oddishes
4-0 12 points

after this round I am in 4th place lowest of undefeated people and have to play ist place

5th round vs. Tyler O. with slowking(member of NHC)
What do you know I get a cleffa he mills through his deck and gets out a sneasel with a dark energy and a plus power on it. flips heads and gets one more heads
4-1 12 points(6th place)

6th round vs. Steelix deck
He started out with a scyther I had 2 cleffas and had a lass in my hand I lass and eeeeeeek he draws nottin. i Put down rockets zappy plazma next turn mill for 3 plus powers and get the win
5-1 15 points(6th place no clue why I didn't advance)

I make top 8th and it turns out that my last turns opponent got 9th


1st round vs tyler O
oh man I thought it was over here and I should have even won on the 2nd turn but it took me about ten turns to draw all my prizes
6-1 advance on

2nd round vs a scrub
it Happened very quik he plazmad with a ditto and then I plazma with a plus power and he electro burns he had also played a rainbow on a sneasel and I brought up a cleffa played electric on rocket zappy and mill deck for 3 plus powers I win

me and dan just took a draw we get a box and a half and 2 trips

Kelly Smith

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