Name: Kris Coloma
Deck Name: Mirror mirror on the wall
From: Long Beach, California
Where: League Play
My deck:
1 igglybuff (promo)
4 jigglypuff (1promo, 3 jungles)
3 wigglytuff (jungle)
1 cleffa (promo)
4 clefary (neo)
4 clefable (jungle)
2 ditto (fossil)
1 smergle (neo)
2 challenge (rocket)
1 full heal
2 rocket's trap
1 imposter profesor oak's revenge
1 Super energy removal
3 energy remova
2 super potions
1 gambler
2 gust
1 switch
3 recycles
3 plus power
4 double colorless energy
1 recycle energy
1 potion energy
1 full heal energy
7 fire energy
This deck is my best! It beats fire decks easily and
The fire energies are for fire pokemon, The others is to frustrate your
1st play:
i won due to resistants to psychic pokemon.
2nd play:
I got a bad hand and only started with clefary. but then i got cleffa and
switch for cleffa and eek. I beated him for his nintales(his only pokemon)
and brought in clefable and used fire blast.
3rd play:
i won due to the fact that he decked himself with raindance.
This was my day. I got 3 wins in a row and still going. I hope is win my
badge this saturday.
My email is
write to me if my deck is very good or what i can do to improve it.