Bug out v1.0 (Grass/normal)
by Patrick Hume
wed.jan 26
Brier WA
Im new to this but this deck kills.I can never find real tournaments so the
locals hold little street tournies that i kick in.so one day im drawing a
little bit and out of no where BOOM! im suddenly thinking about syther.im
thinkin why not run 1 type and try to win. anyway heres the deck
Bug Out v1.0
4 weedle
3 kakuna
3 caterpie
2 metapod
1 butterfree
1 syther
4 jigglypuff
1 wigglytuff
2 kangeskhan
1 chansey
4 bill
1 imposter oak
2 impost. oaks revenge
3 gust of wind
2 potion
1 lass
1 poke breeder
22 grass energy
2 DC: double colorless
Round 1 vs.little bro. fire/psy
the game started with me pullin out chansey,2jiggs a DC and grass energy. i
put the jiggs out. I lost the toss. he had an active vulpix and an abra. he
slapped an psy energy on abra and passed. i drew a caterpie and benched it
put a grass on my active jigg and put him to bed. he flipped tails both
times. i pulled a DC. boom!! all of the sudden i've got a chansey
with two
energys and i swear the little guy freaked. i put chansey out and did a
sucessfull scrunch.the vulpix woke up and tryed to confuse me but
i put the other DC down and double edged his two to win
round 2vs. punk (heavy hitter deck)
this guy was such a dope, he tole me that he had a charizard. well this was
close game.I started with a kangeskhan, a syther,caterpie,a breeder, DC and
some grass energy.I won the toss and with kangeskhan as active i used fetch
to draw an imposter oak. he dropped a fire enrgy on his active charmander
scratched.I drew bill and dropped a grass on syther.Now heres where i
killed myself. i used the oak. he must a got the rest of the chars caus'
face lit up. he evolved mander to meleon and passed. i DCed syther and
fetched.the game went on to have kangaskhan knocked outand syther some how
beat charmeleon.
props and slops
syther is king of props
the second game was almost a serios slop