RaNd0m Junk V 1.0 (Darkness/Lightning/Grass)
By: Jonathan Schweppe
Moline, Illinois
12 participants
Saturday, June 9th 2001

This was a funny deck i made that was completely RaNd0m. Hence, the name. Anyway, i went to pokemon league before the tourney, and traded like mad for the igglybuff i needed!!! I even traded a rare for one!!! =/ My rating has moved, a LOT. When i first started pokemon, it rose quickly. Starting at 1600, it rose to at one time 1917!!! Then, of course, it fell. At this point, i believe I am at 1780. Or i was before this tourney. As Scott would put it, enough ego and rambling, lets get on with the show!!!

RaNd0m Junk V 1.0

Pokemon x18
Unown D x2
Unown N x1
Igglybuff x3
Magby x1
Cleffa x2
Electabuzz x2
Rocket's Zapdos x2
Sneasel x3
Scyther (Jungle) x1
Scyther (Neo2) x1

Trainers x21
Professor Oak x3
Gust of Wind x3
Gold Berry x3
Pluspower x3
Professor Elm x3
CPU Search x3
Ecogym x2
Sprout Tower x1

Energy x21
Grass x7
Lightning x6
Darkness x4
Rainbow x2
Metal x2

Well, this deck was really RaNd0m... But i had a lot of fun! =D Frankly, i was using a few neo 2 cards because i wanted to prove (to myself and my friends) that neo2 WASNT a bust. And believe me, it wasnt. After today, i've found out not only that murkrow is dead, but slowking/dk vile/aerodactyl/and anything that has a pokemon power that hurts, has died. Sneasel has been hurt. And, some new cards are able to step up and make some showings!!! Well, heres how it went! 4 Round swiss followed by top 8 in a elimination round. BTW, details are a bit fuzzy, its 3 hours from the end of it now...

Round 1: Vs. Kyle with Electric/Dragonite

Usually Kyle (when hes there!) plays a sneasel/slowking, but he wanted to be different this week. Afterwards, he showed me his deck, and it consisted of Dark Jolteon, Dragonite, Wigglytuff, and Rocket's Zapdos along with buzz.

Quick start, me with sneasel, him with an eevee. He wins flip, wags, and says go. It WAS heads. It didnt matter however, as i had a free retreater on bench. Anyway, i pulled my combo this game. He got out wigglytuff, but i surprised him with an Unown N, and a Sprout tower, reducing his wave to... 0!!! He didnt manage to get much lightning out, so it resulted in a quick win, 6 prizes taken to 2.


Round 2: Vs. ??? with well... not so good water deck.

I've never seen him before, so i took it easy. He was a newbie, so I have to give him some credit to ending up 1-3.

Really too simple. I got out an early neo 2 scyther, and his deck was ALL grass weakness. ALL. It went like this... me: "Oh look, a poliwag deck! Thats pretty original!" him: "Yeah, this deck is really awesome, i beat my sister all the time." me: "Whats your sister play?" him: "Charizard." Anyway... I beat him really, really quick, taking all 6 prizes, him taking 0.


Round 3: Vs. ??? with Fire.

His deck was only consisting of 5 trainers... Oh my. Anyway, i think he was like 9, and he was really annoying later, in the final rounds... =/

Well, he kept questioning everything i did. The famed Rocket's Zapdos/metal ruling took about 5 minutes out of our time. I eventually explained it to the judge, and he took my side the rest of the tourney. This combo really helped me win games. Anyway, his Charmanders and Squirtles had NO meaning whatsoever to me. Funniest thing this round: him: "Okay, i am going to put this energy on poliwag, and retreat. Send out Squirtle, and go." me: "Are you SuRe? You do realize i have a rocket's zapdos active, and he will kill you in ONE shot, and you have a blastoise and a wartortle in your hand..." him: "So?"


Round 4: Vs. Matt with slowking/sneasel

The match i've been waiting for, hehe! Well, Matt always plays slowking, so i metagamed. These are why igglybuff exist! :) Anyway...

This match was LONG. He mean looked a cleffa, when i had an unown D out. =/ 15 minutes in the round had passed, neither of us had drawn a prize. He super ered my Zapdos a lot, but it didnt matter. Once i got a loaded zapdos, I was about to send him out next turn when he gusted my Unown, sent out sneasel, and luckily killed it. So, i put down another! ROFLMAO! He was going crazy! Anyway, Zapdos beat away with 'burn with a gold berry attached! The thing was, i had 3 igglybuff out there, with matt having 3 slowking. Normally, i would've died. With igglybuff, i didnt.



Round 1: Vs. ??? with haymaker.

It was a fighting haymaker, without the resistence gym, so i took it down easily...

I started with neo scyther, him with a couple hitmonchans with a mankey.
He actually killed my scyther, and was up on me on prizes at one time. But i took revenge, beating him up with sneasel and slashing with a scyther!!!


Semis: Vs. Aaron with Sneasel

Did I mention Sneasel was popular? Yeah, i probably did. Anyway, Unown D saved the day again! along with my own sneasels, neo 2 scyther, and rocket's zapdos. Also a few heads helped!


Finals: Vs. Matt with Slowking/Sneasel

Well, here we were, at it again, but he had to go to the restroom bad... well, i think that affected his play...

He oaked too many times, and by turn 6, he was 9 turns from decking!!! Well, i hurt him bad enough with Unown D and Sneasel and rocket's zapdos that he just oaked when he had 6 cards left to lose. Quote: "I just wanna pee and play magic..."


I was proud of the way my deck handled itself. When i was in a bad situation, it worked it out. Anyway, i can't believe i won a tourney with a bunch of "junk" as the judge jokingly called it. Anyway, I hope this proves to the neo2 haters that this set did offer. Unown is better than i thought it would be, and the sneasel 5 month reign, is OVER!!! w00tness. I wonder how long it will be before this deck becomes popular... =D

Well, i also won a tourney on pojo's league last night, going 5-0 in a swiss, so i'm REALLY happy with my unbeaten streak of 12 games in tourneys!

Well, time for slops and props!

Props: Great tourney, Great prizes.
      To the houndoom and the houndoor i got in the two neo2 packs i bought.
      To the 2 Fires of Yavimaya i got in my 2 invasion packs.
      To the cards of neo2, and the end of the murkrow scaryness!
      And finally, to ClefairyDoll for doing so great with pokemon and magic for a long time.

Slops: Annoying kids that ask me to trade while i'm in an important game...
      Annoying kids that throw quarters in the air and ask me to look EVERY SECOND at there beautiful butterfrees...
      Annoying kids that... well, never mind.
      And of course, slops to the horrible Chicago qualifier, which i STILL have bad dreams about....

Well, Thanks for Reading!!!

Jonathan Schweppe

P.S. Please people, none of the "Dude, that was horrible choices for pokemon" stuff because i did it ON purpose!!! This was a fun deck! And i had a GREAT time. Its a nice way to end on a good note while I take a break from pokemon.

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