place: game keeper
deck: wiggly sponge
by flip
about only 8 people
area: dear born MI
date: Saturday June 9 2001
hello, all you poke freaks this is flip with my favorite deck the wiggly
this is a small tourney but was still fun. here it is!
4 promo Mewtwo
4 jigglypuff
3 wigglytuff
4 electabuzz
3 clefairy
2 clefable
3 scyther
2 no removal gym
2 secret mission
3 scoop up
4 gust of wind
3 oaks
3 plus power
4 electric energies
12 psychic energies
round #1 VS Kyle Remer
I began with a jiggly and had a mewtwo and a scyther benched. I
won the coin flip and had drew a DCE and put it on jiggly and pounded his Mr.
mime for 20. he than dropt a new mime and scooped up the weak mime and put out
the new one with a psychic energy one it and passed to my turn. I drew a buzz
and put a DCE on scyther then killed the mime with pound. Now he was left with
only a Mr. mime put a energy on it and used meditate for 0. now I used pound for
20. later he lost the mime and lost.
round #2 VS a muk deck
he led with tr grimer I with a promo mewtwo . I won the flip and
used oak discarding 3 psychic energies I dropt a buzz and used energy absorption
for 2 energies. I could see in his eyes he was to lose. next he passed. I
proudly psyburned him to win ( he had no basics)
round #3 I got a bye or could not do it
finally round #4 VS old haymaker
I was lucky to get my scyther out first and a benched
jiggly and clefairy. she had a chan out and a benched machop. she won the flip
and used jab for zip!! I evolved the fairy into clefable. then put a DCE on
scyther and passed. she dropt a TR zapdos and put a energy on it. then I put a
energy on scyther and slashed for 30. she than put a energy on zapdos and
passed. I put a energy on clefable and killed chan. she put out the zapdos and
did nothing. I retreated and sent out clefable and metranomed electroburn for
the 70 and the kill. after that she gave up and lost.
the next match was to sad: I won to easy!
to my killer deck
to my mewtwo and clefable
to good players here
the prize, a team rocket pack ( stupid )