It's All About The Game by Will London
Saturday,June 9 2001
Toys 'R Us
9 Participants
Hey Pojo,I got to compete in a double-elimnation
tourney.This would have definitly been
different if Matt wasn't playing an ECSTS deck but
he still did good.Now,on to the deck.
It's All About The Game
Pokemon 12
4 Sneasel
2 Cleffa
2 Electabuzz
2 R. Zapdos
2 Ditto
Trainers 33
4 Oak
4 CPU Search
3 Item Finder
2 Lass
2 Nightly Garbage Run
2 Eco Gym
2 Sprout Tower
3 Gold Berry
3 Scoop Up
2 Gust of Wind
4 PlusPower
Energy 15
5 Electric
4 Darkness
2 Rainbow
The strategy is all about a very fast
Round 1
Round 2 vs. Ryan w/Dark
I forgot everything about this match.We battled for
a while,and I didn't see
a Dark Vileplume,and I eventually won with Sneasel
I think.
Round 3 vs. Ryan (a different crazy Ryan)w/wannabe
I shuffled,drew my 7,and was ready to play,and he
forfeits without even drawing his 7.
The game I could have remembered something about
and he forfeits...(sigh)
Round 4 vs. Jared w/Arcanine,R. Zappy and Metal
This a good deck.Very good.Again i don't remember
much (note to self:eat more fish)but i
do remember that I used a ditto with 2 DCE'S and 3
PlusPowers to takedown an Arcanine with 3
Fire Energies and a Metal,and then used Sneasel and
Zappy to claim the win.
Round 5
I'm undefeated so I get the bye while waiting for
my opponent.
Between Rounds:Ryan and Jared play and the winner
faces me.There's a big stink on
whether R. Zapdos takes 10 or 20 when it
Electroburns with a Metal
Energy.I try to tell Ryan to no avail and the only
thing I remember is that Ryan won.
Round 6 vs.Ryan (the one with the Dark Vileplumes
and Murkrows and Sneasels)
OK,since it was double-elimination and I was beaten
once Ryan had to beat me once and
since had been beaten,I only had to beat him
once.He starts with Scyther and me with Zappy.
I go first and lass,then I do plasma.He puts down a
grass and swords dances.I draw a lass,use it
and plasma again.I have a Darkness in my hand and I
thought I could win it next turn.He draws
a CPU Seach (sigh)fills up the bench and slashes
for 60.I don't topdeck anything but
heart aches and so I played the Darkness and used
plasma so at least I knocked out
Finals vs. Ryan (same one)
I thought I'd be taking home second as his Sneasel
pummeled me and then it was
MY turn to topdeck...CPU Search! I grab the Oak and
Thunderpunch with a PlusPower
(I had a Electabuzz powered up)and then I got my
Sneasel.I started Beating-Up like a mad man
and then we each 2 prizes left.He gets a Dark
Vileplume in play and has a charged up Murkrow.
He item findered for gust of wind on my Cleffa.I
then finaly came out of Wacky World and realized
he couldn't do that and so he took it back and used
Feint Attack on Sneasel.But I only
took 10 because he did 40 and I had 10 and a Gold
Berry (that was played before Dark Vileplume came into play).
He had 1 card left.I drew and ko'ed Murkrow.He drew
his last card and conceeded because he would deck.
Final Record:6-1
I win! Yay!now for props and slops
to everybody that attended except for Ryan with
wannabe haymaker for being mean.
to Ryan (the won with dark plume) for giving me a
run for my money.
to James for letting us run the league ourselves
even though he was out of town.
to neo discovery for being one cool set.I have all
the Unowns now!
to pojo's for being really good at what they
no slops today