Doom is upon us!
By: Howard Batten
BCS Comic Book Store
Bryan, Texas
Hi Pojo, love the website.This is the first time i
have posted. Well anyway this was a swiss tournamet where you get defeted
once your out.1st prize was 24 Neo Discovery booster packs, 2nd prize
was 12 Neo Genesis booster packs and 3rd prize was 6 Team Rocket booster
packs. It cost $7 to play.On to the deck.
Doom is upon us!
(23 Pokemon)
4 Houndour(Lv. 22)
3 Houndoom
4 Lavitar
3 Pupitar
2 Tyranitar
3 Teddiursa
2 Usaring
1 Igglybuff
1 Cleffa
(27 Energy)
14 Fire Energy
4 Darkness Energy
4 Rainbow Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
1 Recycle Energy
(10 Trainers)
1 Super Rod
1 Item Finder
1 Ecogym
1 Poke Ball
1 Pokemon Breeder
2 Gold Berry
1 Bill's Teleporter
1 Nightly Garbage Run
1 Pokemon Trader
Round 1
Doom is upon us! VS Fire Champion
This guy is really good! He had 4 charizards and 4
dark charizards in his deck!!!(I know this because he told me to watch out for
them)Well, I won the coin toss and started with 2 darkness energys, 3 fire
energy, and two Houndours.He had 1 Neo magmar and a Moltes. I put out a Houndour
and drew a Gold Berry. I attached a fire energy to Houndour and attacked with
Smog. Poisoned him.He drew then attched a fire energy to magmar and
passed.Basicly it like that the intire game. I won with my
Won 1 Lost 0 Tie 0
Round 2
Doom is upon us VS Pika's Revenge
He won the coin toss.I had a Cleffa, a Houndour, a
Teddiursa, a Ecogym, 2 fire energy and a Recycle energy.He had 3 Pikachus on his
bench (all Jungle Pikachus).I put out Houndour and he put out
He drew then attached a lighting energy to pikachu
and passed.I drew a pokemon trader and attached a fire energy to Houndour and
Smoged him and flipped heads.He drew and attached a lighting energy to pikachu
and sparked me for 20 and hit teddiursa for 10.From then on I picked off his
pikachus one by one and won.
Won 2 Lost 0 Tie 0
Round 3
Doom is upon us VS Metal Tail
This was the easyest match in the entire
tournament.This deck was to get out the steelix and kick butt but I
didnt give him enough time to get the steelix out.I won in about
2 minutes.
Won 3 Lost 0 Tie 0
Doom is upon us VS Rain Dance
This was an extremly tough match. I won the
coin toss.I had two larvitars, two Houndour, a Pupitar, a Ursaring, and a super
rod.He had one tr squirtle, a laperas, and a Articuno.I put out lavitar as my
active and drew a Nightly Garbage Run.I passed. He put out laperas as him active
and drew. He attached a water energy to it and attacked with water gun for
10 damage.After that it went down hill from there. and i lost and took second
to my Houndour
to BSC for the tournament
to noone
Peace out