Espeon's Rise
by Mikel Gorbea
Toys R Us
Alakazam *base*
Kadabra *base*
Abra *rocket*
Espeon holo *discovery*
Eevee *discovery*
Eevee *discovery*
Xatu *discovery*
Natu *discovery*
Xatu *discovery*
Natu *discovery*
Togetic *genesis*
Togepi *promo*
Mewtwo *nintendo power*
Mewtwo *mp*
Mewtwo *mp*
Psychic 24
Double Colorless 1
3 Berry
3 gold berry
1 miracle berry
3 energy removal
1 plus power
1 energy flow
2 potion
2 prof oak
1 moo moo milk
To me this was a verry nice deck, I have tested it
out on my friends then took it to the store to have a
great challenge ahead of me.
Challenge #1
My decks vs. Boy with a typhlosion deck.
It started out with me having in my hand an eevee a
couple of psy energies an alakazam and an espeon. It
started out a little slow then a later he had a
quiliva on his bench and a cyndaquil for an active. I
didnt want him to know I had an espeon so I kept it to
where I had 3 psy energies to eevee and then evolved
it into an espeon and , man he was mad because at that
time he had a quiliva and a 2 cyndaquils on his bench
fully powered with no evolutions. So from then on I
had healed myself with berrys and potions until I
finally completely knocked all of the quils. *evil
snicker* 1-0
Challenge #2
me vs pelham with a raindance deck
>From experience in the past this deck has turned out
to be an awsome raindance deck with a whole bunch of
hard hitters. It started out with me haveing out my
abra and him sending out his staru *silly huh?* I
attached a psy to my abra first, cause I won the toss,
and psyshocked him and paralized him. this went on
until I killed his starmie which was really luck for
me because I still had an abra perfect because I kept
getting perfect heads. He then let a fully charged
dewgong come out and kill him in one hit. I had no
others to send out so I won. 1-1
Challenge #3
Me vs another boy with a great raindance deck!!!
This really got me angry! My hand sucked badly I had
an evee, which I thought was good because of the
pokemon power of energy evolution but today was not
mycoin day! I ended up laying down an eevee with 3 psy
energies but every time I flipped for the pokemon
power I just couldnt get heads to search my deck for
that espeon that I needed sooooo badly. The other kid
had a fully watered blastoise at that time instantly
knocked me out for the kill!!!! Im dead **
Well there you have it My deck really killed the fire
deck 4-1 time in favor of me and I fought another kid
but ended up being decked at the end. So all in all I
would say this deck was KICK!!!!!!!!
Props to all my friends who helped me see my mistakes
and ebay I love you LOL!!!!!!!!
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