by Seena Ghaziaskar
Game Trader
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
What's up? I drove 2 hours actually just to get to
the tournament and was really dissapointed that only 8 people showed up.
Before, the tourney, I ate pizza next door at Marco's(not bad) and got 2
discovery packs in which I got Espeon foil and Politoed non-foil. I also traded
a little. Anyway, the deck
4 Computer Search
4Professor Oak
3Item Finder
2Narrow Gym
1Scoop Up
4Energy Removal
4Super Energy Removal
2Gold Berry
2Rocket Sneak Attack
2Gold Berry
The strategy is to get of all of their
energy with charmander and the energy removals then metronome with clefable for
only 1 energy or even Smog with Magmar. Magby stops Slowking(which I
surprisingly saw none) and stops trap.
Before the tourney, I played a warm-up game
against a kid with an old school wigglytuff deck with hitmonchan and scyther. I
started with 2 Clefairy's and him with 2 hitmonchan. I go first and attach
defender and pass. He jabs for 20.Then I draw an Oak and get 2 Clefables into
play and metronome his Special Punch twice for the knockout. He gets a coupl of
Wiggly's but I strip them of their energy. One Clefable metronomed the whole
game and he never recovered from the energy removals. I win in prizes 5-1 as he
eventually decks.Now the real thing
Match1 vs. Guy with Sneasel
I saw Fossil Gastly and Scyher in his deck.
I start with 2 magmars and smog continuaously. He tries to build up a Sneasel
but I Energy Remove it 3 times. This guy made poor decisions throughout the
game. I get Clefable and metronome Beat Up for the kill. He runs out of pokemon
and I beat him in prizes 3-0. This guy really doesn't know how to take a
Match2 vs. Adam Trunzo with Dark Muk
I never knew how powerful Dark Muk could
be. He got one out on turn 3 and Sludge Punched alot. He got a Sprout Tower out
and shut down Clefable but I still Metronomed for poison. Once, I killed his
Dark Muk, he sents out another and dominates. Some Energy Removals slow it down
so he passes many turns in a row. I draw my last card and eeek a large hand back
into my deck. But eventually, stall out for good. I lose in prizes
I thought my chances of winning the
tournament were done, but I was wrong.
Match3 vs. Matt with
His Scyther's really hurt me even though I
had their weakness. He then stalls with Chansey and he gets alot of heads. He
then gets out a Japanese Typhlosion. I ask for the translation and he tells me
what the card does. I still ask for the American version. Believe it or not, the
judge agrees with HIM!! This was a DCI tournament. Then his friend loans him a
translation. I draw my last card and eeeek huge hand back into my deck. Now, I
was ahead of him in cards. He tries to build up that benched Typhlosion but I
deny him of his energy with removals. He draws his last card and I win. This kid
was a big pain.
Match4 vs. Jeff with Sneasel/Blaine's
Jeff was the only undefeated person in the
tournament coming into the game. But I was really confident I would win. I get a
quick Clefable and start to metronome. I gust out his Sneasel and Beat-Up for
the 1st kill. Then, I Item Finder for the Gust and sent out another one of his
Sneasels and Metronome Beat Up for another kill. Then, I get another Item
Finder, use it for the Gust and sent out his last Sneasel.2 of the first 5 rolls
are even. the last roll is (drum rolls), even!! He was really screwed down in
prizes 3-0. My enrgy removals deny him of his energy for his Rapidash. I
metronome Stamp a couple of times for the knock out(Now up 4-0). He eventually
kills my Clefable with Elekid's Playful Punch but another is there to take
his/her's place. I kill a Chansey as well my Clefable with Doubl-Edge and I sent
out Magmar. Time is called and I win in prizes 5-2
Record:3-1,9 points
The rounds were over. 4 people would move
on and I was one of them. The standings for the 4 rounds then came out and I was
in 1st place! Three people had 3-1 records(Jeff,Adam,and me). Now, on to the
Semifinals vs. Julius with non-archetype
deck with Sabrina's Venomoth, Sneasel, Murkrow, and Promo Mewtwo
Julius was 2-2 coming into the match but I
knew it wouldn't be easy. He hates to play archetypes but still has a good deck.
He confuses my Clefable with Sonic Distortion and then Mean Look's it with
Murkrow. This was really bad and I was really nervous now. Spectators said the
game was over. Even worse, he puts down a Chaos Gym! I discard it with Narrow
Gym but he puts down another one. He wrecks my bench also. However, he had used
so many oaks to set up his strategy that he was low on cards. He garbage runs to
buy more time. He feint attacks my clefable for 30 and the knockout. I sent out
Magmar with no energy and pass. I continue to pass and he then draws his last
card. He attempts and Item Finder but fails on the dice roll due to Chaos
Gym! That means I win the game. he beat me in prizes however 5-0. I never
attacked in the game which was no fun.
Championship vs. Adam Trunzo with Dark
His brother shuffled his deck and what do
you know, he gets a horrible hand. In this game, I find out he only has 9 energy
in his deck! My supers as well as removals really hurt him. He brings out Ditto
and I smokescreen three times and send out magby for the kill. His Dark Muk
never get set up but he continues to lass/eeek ( really has no effect in the
middle of the game). His Sprout Tower shuts Clefable down but I put down Narrow
Gym and the Sludge Punch.He becomes desperate for enegy and oaks twice in one
turn. He is now really low on cards and out of garbage runs and item finders. I
however have no energy as well so I pass every turn until he draws his last card
and has no options. I win!
I win 14.40 and get 3 dicovery and two
genesis packs. I them, I get Foils:Wobuffet(he looks constipated)Rares:Time
Capsule, EcoGym,Politoed(again), and Forretress.
My deck
My dad for driving me there
Taco Bell
None. I'm feeling 2 good to give
Peace Out-Seena