V 1.0 electric/fighting
Bradley Winterfeldt
State College
Fields, Illinois
19th, 2001
32 People
this is my first time i ever submitted a deck to pojo's killer
deck report
and i hope you like my deck.
4 Rocket Zapdos
4 Aerodactyl
2 Dittto
2 Skarmory
4 Mysterious
4 Gold Berry
3 pokemon Trader
4 Professor Oak
4 Gudt of
2 Switch
15 Electric Energy
4 double colorless energy
Metal Energy
Rond 1vs. kid with electric/water deck
my hand 3
electric energy, 2 rocket zapdos, 1 gold berry, and 1 metal energy
he had a
squirtle (base set) and a machop i won the coin toss and drew a card
oak. i
attached a electric energy and the gold berry to rocket zapdos and
for 40 damage. he attached a fighting enrgyto machop and a focus band
squirtle and passed. i drew a card and it was skarmory so i played him and
attached a metal energy and did oak drew a hand of electric energies
did plasma and got to attach a electric energy to rocket zapdos. he flipped
tails so squirtle was knocked out. he attached a rainbow energy to machop
evolved him into machoke and passed. i drew a card another mtal energy
attached a electric energy to rocket zapdos and did plasma now it was ready
for the kill. he attached a gold berry to machoke and passed. i drew a
electabuzz and attached a electric to him and did elecro burn. he ran out of
basic pokemon so i won.
Round 2 vs. some adult with a dark
fast battle i won the coin toss. i played a rocket zapdos attached
a electric
energy against his little mgikarp and won because he had no other
Round 3 vs. my friend with a fighting, dark,
and metal deck
don't remember much but all i remember is my rocket zapdos
versus a
hitmonchan base set.
round 4 vs. my friend with a
awesome grass deck
the perfect hand (at least i thought it was) 1
skarory 1 metal energy 1
doucle colorless energy 1 mysterious fossil 1
aerodactyl electabuzz and 1
electabuzz and 1 proffesor oak. he had a
chickorita and bulbasaur he won the
coin toss so he attached a grass energy
to chickorita and used reflector. i
drew a metal energy and attached it to
skarmory and clawed and failed. he
drew a card and played a resistance
lowering gym and used to pokemon breeder
and evolved his chickorita and
bulbasaur and played rocket scyther and
attached a another energy to
meganium and used oak. then he energy removaled
my metal enery and smooth
scened my skarmory. i drew a double colorless enery
attached it to skarmory
and clwed for 20 damage. just realizing i forgot to
evolve my mysterius
fossil into a aerodactyl. he did smoothing scent for the
props: i won 4 packs (my choice)2 gym challenge and 2 gym hereos first
my rares were 1 rocket moltres, a lt. surge's riachu, rocket
zapdos, and a
misty's wish.
slops: my friend losing in the