Wit Fear 2:
Black Smack(lightning/colorless)
R Us
play tournements weekly at our local toys r us.I haven't wrote up a deck report
in a while because I haven't really played a good tournement in a while I
have gotten allot of bad luck.But today I played pretty good and brought back a
revised version of my haymaker: wait wit fear.Here's da
Wait Wit Fear 2 Black Smack:
Pokemon 10
3 TR's Zappy
2 Ditto
2 Chansey
1 Igglybuff
1 Scyther
Trainers 32
4 Oak
4 Gold Berry
3 PP
3 CPU Search
2 Finder
2 Narrow Gym
1 Lass
Energy 18
7 Lightning
3 Steel
2 Full Heal
Ok first off I want to thank my best friend Matt
Deponceau known to many as Maccy_the_sk8r who did allot of the work on the deck
and helped me revise it.
The rules are simple.Double Elemination with a
single elimination for the finals,
30 min. time limit on the games
except the finals and after everyround we draw
cards to see who plays
eachother in the next rounds.On with the 1st match
Round 1 Vs. some kid
wit a *cough* victreebell *cough* deck
The games starts and I go first.He had
allot of bellsprouts and koga's grimers in play and I had a couple zappy I think
a cleffa and a chansey.I began to power up zappy using cleffa and oak to get the
cards I needehe sleeves so that it wouldn't be like marking em.When I was done I
said "I better count your deck just to make sure" I counted and there was 64
cards so he got disqualifed for not having the right number of
Yeah I know so far it's been pretty cheap but now by
round 3 some of the beginers have been eleminated leaving the better
players.Here's round 3
Round 3 Vs. Chris with so called anti
Ok Chris would have a good deck but 1 thing...he dosen't use oaks
which is the most retarded thing I have ever heard esspeccially when it's spose
to be an anti haymaker and he says "It dosen't need oaks" and that's just
wrong.Anyway on wit da game.I started with a ditto him with a couple erika's
dratini we higher rolled I got a 3 and he got a 2 I laughed at him because of
it.I didn't have much in my hand so I put a gold berry and a full heal to ditto
and passed.He played a couple gligars and a berry and energy to dratini and
passed.I drew and I removed the energy on his dratini I to his dratini's with
plasma I took him out.We said good game and got on to the next
This is were it get's a lil fuzzy as far as the
standings go...I remember ryan got eleminated with 2 straigth loses to brandon
and Will.Will was still undeafeated like me and brandon and andy were still in
it with a loss a peice.Niles was amazingly still in it too.I'm not sure but I
think brandon and niles battled while Will got a by and I battled
Round 4 vs. Andy(kid wit da cards as we call him) with sneasel
wigglytuff deck
I was afraid I mite lose this one because he ran allot of
energy removal and SER which is the one thing that weakens my deck but I wasn't
gona give up without a fight.The game started me with a chansey and a zapdos his
with a lone sabrina's venonat.we tied on higher roll wit 3 then I rolled a 2 and
he rolled a 1 I got lucky wit da rolls today.In my hand I have 2 DCE a gold
berry and some removal and some card drawing so I got a good start.I attached a
DCE to chanse