First of all, my deck:
3# Slowpoke (Neo of course)
3# Slowking (Do I
have to explain)
3# Houndour (Dark Type)
2# Houndoom (See Slowking)
3# Sneasel (A psycho killer which will stop at nothing)
3# Scyther (Hay
maker material)
2# Igglybuff (As cute as pie)
2# Cleffa (Even cuter)
6# Psychic E
7# Fire E
4# Darkness E
4# Rainbow E
4# DCE
2# Gust of Wind
3# CPU Search
3# Oak
3# ER
3# Gold Berry
That's it, but know I'll Tell you about a little tournament I was in not to
long ago.
It was just a bunch of kids (about 6) who were testing decks such
"Hay Makers", "Sponges", a "Dark Viliplume deck" & a "Super Scary
(By the way, this took place in my home city Ra'anana, Israel.)
Round 1 (Ding-Ding)
A sweet start of Scyther, Cleffa & Houndour.
(I'm fighting N. Dror; Lets see who kicks whose butt now)
Ohh, A bad
start of Nothing but Onix.
Scyther makes Origami out of Onix.
Round 2
Saar, we meet again.
Baam, a another nice start.
(Igglybuff, Sneasel...)
Sorry Saar, your Skarmory is out of here.
(Thanks to Sneasel)
Round 3 (Ding, never mind, you get the point)
small kid comes up to me and says: "Your mine"
he starts off with Nidoran
I Laugh in his face when Houndour kills him on turn 2.
Know, the final Round
I look at my hand with pride only to see
Aaaaahhhhh, and just my luck, my
opponent starts off with a Rocket's Mewtwo.
A horrible loss.
Well, 3 out
of 4 is not that bad.
I got 3 boosters. I left with a holo Espeon, a holo
Umbreon (what are the odds?) and a non-holo Yanma.
3 out of 4, not
bad + 2 Eevee Evaluations (not bad)
Yanma and
the loss, better luck next time.