Flinging Fists
By: Cory
JJ's Hobby
I want to start off
by informing you of my stratagy. Its very simple and effective. It's all about
useing Dark Machamp's
"fling" attack to shuffle your opponents
pokemon back into there deck. But the fling attack also cannot be used when your
opponent has no benched pokemon so use with caution. The main problem with this
deck is that you deck out before your opponent. But not to fear, if your skilled
enough you simply make sure not to use to many professor oaks. (I know its
tempting but use your will power.) You see thats the only thing bad about
"fling" the card reads
HER ACTIVE POKE'MON AND ALL CARDS ATTACHED TO IT INTO HIS OR HER DECK." so there deck grows while yours hinders away slowly. so sooner or
later you will deck. now dont get me wronge the deck is perfect but if you feel
you need to take somthing out to have nightly garbage run in its perfectly all
right. the best way to get around this problem is to simply beat them fast, get
out Dark Machamp as fast as you can and fling all there poke'mon away. Then
since you cant do it to there last pokemon just beat it up until it dies. Then
the game is yours. For the past 1 and a half years ive been looking for 1 deck
that i could just stick with, and this is the one ive decided to
Flinging Fists
4x Dark Machamp
4x Machop
4x Hitmonchan
2x Hitmontop (experemental in this
4x Gold berry (be carefull you NEED
to have 4 damage counters to use it)
3x Ecogym
3x Professor Oak (Way better then Professor Elm, i LIKe to
use my trainers)
4x Poke'mon breeder
4x Computer scearch
4x Gust of wind (Its an essential in this
24x fighting
Round 1 Todd, Fighting deck)
Now this game wasent to hard, he was about 4 years
younger then me and it was his first Tournement so i basicly had no trouble
Smashing him into the ground. all he had was hitmonlee's and hitmonchan's in his
deck, so me being the person i am got out my Dark Machamp easy and flung
all his poke'mon back his deck useing Gust oF wind. Then he used his hitmonlee
as his last poke'mon which is a 2 hit kill for Machamps Mega Punch so that round
wasent to hard.
Round 2
This was my lucky
day, i got a bY.
Round 3 Matt, Grass/Steel deck)
Matt is in a rich family who gets anything they want,
so he's that kinda snoty kid who has like 20 charazards and brags all the time
then gets his butt totaly Kicked in the tournement. Its not that he's a bad
player, i mean his placed first before its just hes not very strategic, so he
wasent much of a challenge (especially since I'd gotton my best hand all night.)
Round 4 Final
Battle, Andy (my arch nemisis), Steel/psycic)
Andy was the only real challenge all night and It was
one of the closest Games ive ever played. for me it was all smoothe sailing
until i noticed my deck only had 5 cards left. he had 4 poke'mon down, i
had no gust of winds so i was out of luck there. he kept sending out his
poke'mon and got them all flung away. i had just enough time to charge up my
hitmontop on the bench. It turned out that i had 1 card left and he had out
a un-damaged steelix and i had out a fully charged machamp i attacked for
30 Damage with Mega punch, then on my next turn i drew my last card.(Now most people are un-clear on this rule, but it says in the rule
book that you dont lose from decking when you draw all your cards you lose when
YOU CAN NO LONGER DRAW!!!) so it was my last turn and i
would of lost if i dident kill his steelix, i retreated and sent out my
hitmontop and did triple kick, The suspence was intense as the first coin
bounced on the table. it revealed "Heads" as did the next 2 Coins, wich Won me
the game and first place! Victory!