Andy Wallace
Hard Drive Game Center
San Angelo, TX
Sunday, June 24, 2001
10 Participants
Entry fee was $3.00 and we played single elimination.
Pokemon (11)
4x Electabuzz
3x Rocket's Zapdos
2x Scyther
2x Pichu (for Slowking, Dark Vileplume, Unowns, Igglybuff,
Energy (17)
12x Lightning Energy
3x Recycle Energy (for R. Zapdos and SER)
2x Double Colorless (for Scyther)
Trapper Trainers (14)
3x Rocket's Sneak Attack (RSA)
3x Rocket's Trap
3x Erika
3x Imposter Oak's Revenge (IOR)
2x Chaos Gym
Support Trainers (18)
4x Computer Search
3x Professor Oak
3x Super Energy Removal
2x Item Finder
2x Nightly Garbage Run
2x Gust of Wind
2x Scoop Up
Round 1 vs. Nathan the cheater with Scizor/Steelix/Slowking Deck
I start with electabuzz active and R. Zapdos on bench. After
trapping him down to 1 card, I Oak and thundershock his Scyther.
After trapping him my next two turns, I already have 2 prizes.
He finally gets a Slowking up, but my Pichu becomes active
against his Scizor. Pichu kills Slowking over the next 4 turns.
I then return to trapping and Electroburning for the win.
Round 2 vs. Isaac with Char deck
Game starts like round 1 for me, but he has Cyndaquil active
and no bench. A successful trap and an Oak sets me up for the
kill. A Chaos Gym hurts his recovery while Cyndaquil dies.
Round 3 vs. Renee with Steelix/Raindance deck
I start with Electabuzz active and Scyther on bench. Another
lucky coin flip and I go first. I play trap, and thunderschock
her Onix. She had no fighting energy in her deck!She eventually
Articuno powered up on the bench while Electabuzz killed Onix.
I get R. Zapdos ready, trap once more and kill Articuno for the win.
Her bench was empty.
Round 4 vs. Addison with R. Zapdos/E. Dratini deck
I start with Electabuzz active and Pichu on bench.
He starts with R. Zapdos active and Unown D, E. Dratini,
and Chansey on bench. After trapping, I pound with
Buzz killing R. Zapdos before it kills Buzz. Pichu
becomes active against another R. Zapdos with gold berry!
I kill 2 E. Dratini and 1 Unown on his bench before he kills
Pichu. Man I have 4 prizes to his 2. Time for another
trap and Buzz. He gets another R. Zapdos out and NGR's
one back into his deck while Buzz dies. I trap one more
time, but a third R. Zapdos with gold Berry takes out
my R. Zapdos and he eventually wins. An item finder
would have saved me!
I got a Fossil booster pack for third place with Aerodactyl
in it. Addison got 2 base booster packs (one had Blastoise).
The first place winner (who beat Addison in finals) got
4 booster packs.
Props to the power of a trapper.
Slops to that item finder I needed!
Andy Wallace