Me vs. Kid with Water deck
1st Game:
I started with a Grimer while he started with a Mantine. He went first and
attached a water energy. I removed it the next turn, and after 2 turns, it got
knocked out by Dark Muk's Sludge Punch.
2nd Game:
He started with a Totodile and me with Cleffa. I
decided not to Lass but proceed to beatdown with Grimer and got heads on Nasty
Goo. Next turn, I killed it with Dark Muk before removing the energy he attached
to his benched Maintine. 2 turns later, I won because he has no more pokemon on
his bench.
Me vs.
1st Game:
After exchanging blows for several turns, I didn't realize that he had
energy removal and super energy removal and so he proceeded on to removing all
of my energy in 1 swift turn. He then proceeded to beat-down killing me with
Dittos and Hitmonchans and Scyther. Wiggly wasn't needed.
2nd game:
As my previous game took up too much time. The
tournament organizer told us to play in sudden death, meaning that we only had
to put out 1 prize card. I made a silly mistake of not Computer Searching for a
Dark muk and Lass him to gain control of his lone basic, hitmonchan. Instead I
Oaked, got a crappy hand and he won the game with Wigglytuff.
Me vs. Kid with Venucenter!!
Finally, someone playing an old-school deck. I used to play this deck
before. It was a very powerful archetype back in the days before Fossil came out
and Magmar wrecked everything. But since fire is getting less and less popular
at the tournament scene, I guess this deck could be revived....
1st Game:
He started out with a Venonat while I started with FO grimer. I got a very
bad hand consisting of an energy removal, 2 Grass energies, 1 Item Finder, 1
Sprot tower and 1 DCE. Luckily I drew and got a Computer Search. I tried holding
back the search but after 2 turns, and I was still not drawing anything good I
had to Oak. I then oaked another 2 more times because I got bad draws all the
I finally got my Dark Muk out but the threat was soon neutralized with
Venomoth's Venom Powder. We exchanged blows for the next few turns turns and I
kept removing his energy. Finally, I was given the opportunity to attack with
Chansey. With Sprout tower out and a Gold Berry attached, I did 50 and took 10.
I was able to kill off 2 Dittos, doing 50 and retreating for a baby next turn,
and a Venonat.
I had 2 prizes left and only 5 cards in my deck left. Soon, I was left with
2 prize and 2 cards left. Fortunately, he made a mistake of LASS. I get to
shuffle 3 trainer cards back into the deck giving me a fighting chance. He was
able to stall and finally when I drew my last card, it was another Lass. I
placed 4 cards back into the deck. Then, it was Venusaur with 0 energy against a
fully charged Dark Muk. I won with 0 cards left in my deck!!
2nd Game:
As the first game took too much time. The tournament organizer told me I
had won the match. I protested saying that it wasn't fair to my opponent. But I
guess he still awarded me the full points.
Me vs. Wigglytuff
1st Game:
I was about to lose. Fortunately, he realized that he "Did the wave"
without having a wigglytuff, I called for the tournament organizer and we had to
restart the match in sudden death as there wasn't much time.
2nd Game (Sudden Death, 1 card
He got a magby out and I had been trying to kill his magby using my Scyther
but failed numerous times. Gold berry kept my scyther alive though. Luckily, I
drew a chansey and tried to stall because he oaked several times already. He put
out a Chaos Gym. I really had to stall now because my hand was full of trainers.
Chansey did his/her job and I got my sprout tower after 4 turns. I placed it
down, Oaked, removed most of his energy and was finally able to kill off the
magby using Scyther's slash.
Me vs. Electabuzz/Rocket's Zapdos
1st Round:
He started with a Rocket's Zapdos while I started with Igglybuff as my only
basic. He didn't have a pluspower and must have gotten a bad hand because he
only attached an energy and Plasma-ed me, flipping tails on baby. I drew a
grimer, attached an energy, removed his lightning and nasty goo getting tails.
Next turn, I got a Computer search, Oaked, got my Dark Muk, killed his Rocket's
Zapdos and he didn't have a bench.
2nd Game:
A lot like the previous game. Except that we had
good hands and he had a bench. I was able to remove most of his energy in the
early game and therefore blunting his offensive prowess. Dark Muk led the
beatdown killing 1 Rocket's Zapdos, 1 Scyther, 1 Cleffa. Later he was left with
Electabuzz and I was able to kill that too.
Me vs. Umbreon deck (Pursuit, not Feint
1st Round:
I couldn't remember how this match went about in the early rounds except
that I was able to take all six prizes by Dark Muk alone. Energy removal and
Super energy removal bought me time and I he couldn't retreat his pokemon due to
Dark Muk's pokemon power.
2nd Game:
This game was a lot more even though. I got the
early lead in prizes. Hitmonchan and Ditto proved to be more of a problem than
ever. I kept removing the energy on his Umbreon fearing it's attacks as it was
his main hitter. He finally killed my active Dark Muk. Unfortunately for him, I
had another one on the bench and also a Chansey in case I need some backup. I
didn't use chansey at all though. Dark Muk took the remaining
At the end of the tournament, I got 3rd and walked away with 5 Neo2
Boosters And out of those packs, I got 1 Foil Scizor and some other unimportant
cards. I'm happy though. Dark Muk proved to be a worthy tournament level