steel burn (steel/electric)
by nathan jones
the dragon
guelph,ontario (canada)
june 15, 2001
32 participants
this my first deck at pojo, so if you want to contact me about it , you can
reach me at without further adew, here's the
3 scyther
3 scizor
3 cleffa
3 rocket zapdos
8 electric energy
4 metal energy
3 item finder
3 comp. search
3 energy charge
3 gust of wind
3 scoop up
3 energy removal
3 gold berry
3 prof. oak
3 energy retrieval
2 ecogym
1st round vs rain dance
This game was fast, and I got lucky. I started with a scyther and a rocket
zapdos. he started with a squirtle and a lapras. i got to go first so I
retreated scyther, added an energy to zapdos and searched for a gust of wiind to
gust out his squirtle. after that I took his lapras down in 2 turns and he had
no more basic.
2nd round vs dark vileplume
I thought this one was going to be easy because of scizor. I started out
with cleffa and scyther, he started with 3 oddish.I added a double colorless to
scyther and passed. he added a grass to oddish and poisined me. I added an
energy and retreated so he wouldn't be piosined any more and slashed. we did
this for a while until he had one oddish left. than he oaked and to my surprise,
he got dark vileplume. he killed me with petal whirlwind, but came confused.
After a while of eeeeeeeking, I got a scizor loaded with 3 metal energy and
knocked out all his grass pokemon.
3rd round vs sneasel/wiggly
I thought this one I was going to lose, but to my surprise, all he got was
a sneasal and a jigglypuff. I quickly got a scizor and knocked both of his
pokemon for the win
semifinals vs alakasm/zapdos
this was my friend robbie who built this deck. I started with cleffa and
rocket zapdos, he started with abra, chansey and zapdos.
I computer serched for a scyther and added an energy. he added an energy to
abra and tried to psyshock my cleffa, but it didn't work. I added a double
colorless to scyther and knocked out abra. he didin't do anythiing else except a
thunderbolt on my scizor. I drew my last prize knocking out his
finals vs rainbow deck
I was surprised this little kidmade this far with a rainbow deck. I started
off with rocket zapdos and scyther, he started with gligar and scyther. I
quickly got a scyther ready to attack and knocked out his gligar, than he
knocked out my scyther with magmar. than I added a gold berry to rocket zapdos
and electroburned. after I electroburned enough times to knock my self out, he
had a lone scyther, and I had a scizor with 2 metal energy. I found an energy
and with luck, knocked him out in one attack.
I won a box of neo discovery, now time for props and slops
for the dragon for holding this tournament
for my mom for driving me there
for robbie for being a good sport
for that stupid ref for being like a nautzi
my name is Spider and you can contact me at