The Weasel (dark/colorless)
by Ismael Covarrubias
azusa, california
hey pojo,this is my first deck report from here and its a good one, people know me as mr_scythe on pokegym and they are about to find out what deck i have.Well heres the deck,
pokemon 13
3 sneasel
3 cleffa
2 ditto
1 scyther
1 chansey
1 murkrow
1 magby
1 t.r.meowth
trainers 32
4 pro.oak
4 cpu search
4 item finder
4 lass
4 plus power
2 g.berry
2 ecogym
2 g.o.wind
2 energy charge
2 switch
1 goop gas attack
1 trash exchange
energy 15
4 darkness
3 dce
3 recycle
2 full heal
2 metal
1 rainbow
what i do normally with this deck is try to get out sneasel to beat up and just knock out pokemon, if my opponent only has 1 pokemon left i just get out t.r.meowth and attach a darkness and 4 plus power and a full bench,and then miraculous comeback,
and if i wanna kill rocket z. i get out chansey w/ either 1 metal or 2 and double edge w/ a g.berry attached. and the other poke are there for fun. can u say cleffa / lass combo? and i also metagame allot .well heres how it went.
Round 1 vs a guy (raindance)
he gets to go first, i draw what i call a sucky hand: 2 sneasel, one double colorless,cleffa,magby,cpu search,and recycle energy. i put one sneasel out first and bench a cleffa. he has a squirtle benched and a chansey active, he attaches a water to the egg and passes,i go and i draw a sacred card which i like to call LASS hehe, iretreat sneasel and put in the cleffa attach a recycle and lass i get his 2 breeders i saw he had a blastoise and i also got his elm,and oak.the only thing in his hand now was the big cannon, i put down magby and eeeeeeek and get the cards i needed,he goes and attaches a water energy to his egg and scrunch he got heads, i got a gust and gusted out his squirt and attached a plus power to sneasel after i retreated cleffa, and attached a darkness and knocked it out, after that it was all down hill for him from there.i knocked out his last basic on turn 4.
score: 1/0/0
Round 2 vs. mike (weird sneasel)
this guy ive been through battles scince the begining,when i had my stall deck hahaha i laugh at those now. he goes first he has ghastly active and a benched sneasel he attaches a dark to sneasel and im like no thats game! ahh! because my only poke was cleffa i dont think he was paying attention because he passed, i draw a sneasel, and attach a recycle to cleffa and lass, then eeeeek, all he had in his hand was another lass and the rest poke and energy. his turn he gets out a chansey and attaches a dce ,scrunches, and gets heads. i go i draw a ugh trash exchange, i gust out his sneasel and i put down a ditto attach a dce and put him out as my active, i put down another cleffa and a scyther, i attach 2 plus power and i flip 5 coins,
tails,tails,tails,heads,heads! i was like whoa close one. after i knocked out his sneasel i got mad cuz he brought out the egg and kept on getting heads on scrunch finally i get 2 dark on sneasel and beat up when he got tails , i knock out his egg next turn and it was all going bad for him from there.
i helped out a kid with his deck and made it actually worked, after that he told me try it out, so i did, a guy older than me versed me, here was the battle w/ that deck,
Round 3 me w/ a fable deck vs. a guy? ( fighting deck)
he goes first! ugh 3rd time today! i get a pretty good hand,a fairy,oak,electric nrg,double colorless,a scyther,a ditto, and a nrg removal.he has hitmonlee out w/ a benched scyther, i have scyther out and a ditto, he attaches a fighting to his hitmon lee and passes,i nrg removal, put down clefairy, i attach a dce to ditto retreat scyther and strech kick the scyther,he goes attaches an energy to lee and passes, i attach an electric to ditto and oak i get a plus power and a clefable i attach the plus to ditto and evolve the fairy and then jump kick i get a prize, a plus power!and i had a item finder in my hand too, he goes swords dances and says your ditto is gonna die if you dont retreat i was like no i dont think so i attached the p.pwer to ditto and item finder for the other plus power and attach it to him and slash for the game(scince he already had 20 damage on him because of the strech kick).
after that i tried to find my deck, but i couldnt find it so my friends mom told the gym leader, and the gym leader announced that he was going to check the cameras for anyone who stole the deck and a blue bag(which was stolen from the begining),then i found a kid that had a chansey that looked exactly like mine and the plastic that looks like mine and hes like look what i found! i was like yeah kid you just found my chansey, and he was nice enough to give it back to me, then i was looking around the area and i found a kid that asked if that was my deck and it was he said he had foung it in the video games section right after the gym leader announced that he was going to look at the cameras and they found the bag as well,as for my deck it was missing a gold berry and a rainbow nrg, but i put those back in from my extras and after that the league was over. didnt get my igglybuffs again! and i got my badge. which i was supponsed to get when i got the points
well laters.
to the kid who found my deck
to the kid who let me modify his deck(he was happy w/ the outcome)
to the gym leader
to my friends mom.
to the guy who sold me a shining magikarp for $10!
to the league for not having the things they need at the time they need it!
and especially to the kid who tried to steal MY deck.
anyone who wants to email me do it at,ismael c.  p.s. tnx pojo, and kool site.

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