Hello all. Some of you may have read my 2 killer
deck reports in Feburary. I got alot of comments on my measils deck (you
can see it here http://pojo.com/KillerDecks/February01/4b.htm
), and I got alot of response to my TCG tip on sneasil (here http://pojo.com/TCGStrategies/April2001/23z.htm
I thought I would write another report. Times have changed since the
last time I wrote, less people come to the league, and Alot of my old buddies
don't go anymore, But with change comes good things as well. Now that
Pokemnon League is on mondays, I get to see different people. Anyways,
Here is the New and improved Measles...
3 sneasils - still amazingly good.
wiggly's apprentice
3 Mp Mewtwo - a stronge basic, that is useful in the
late game where most fast decks slow down
3 scyther - Still great, But I use
him for a different reason now.
1 neo 2 scizor - new but very good.
Defensive offense
1 promo scizor - Those neo scizors are hard to find, so I
used this one
1 Misty's psyduck- or "HitmonFableskhan" as we like to call
it. You'll see why.
3 jigglypuff- look down
3 Wigglytuff- Who
didn't see him coming. Sneasils tag team partner
2 ditto- I love this old
2 fossil gastly- can stall, free retreat, 50 hp, but mostly to get
back energy.
1 gligar
4 metal energies- scizor
4 darkness energies-
3 DCE - wiggly
8 psycic energies- mewtwo
4 gust of wind-
playin the weakness/resistance game
3 professor oak - my main man,the
drawing power king
4 energy removal- old habits die hard
3 computer
search- 2 stage 1's, you figure it out
2 pluspower- cause you never know
2 item finder- SAVE THE PLANET, recycle.
This is a pretty old school deck, except for some obvious exeptions. It
is also very versitile. I've been criticed alot, but here is the
I already know what your thinking.
But I got it covered.
misty's psyduck is all about versitility. It is a water pokemon, but
with a psycic attack. and the attack does 3 different things, 2 of them
DCE-wigglytuff, ditto, scyther, scizor, mp mewtwo, gligar
psycic energies- Wigglytuff, ditto, scyther, scizor, mp mewtwo, misty's
psyduck, gligar, gastly
Those energies are all compatable with almost all my
pokemon. Dark and metal are the only specialty energies. So really there are
only 3. The pokemon workl well together. Wigglytuff and sneasil work
on the same principle. speed and power due to a full bench. Ditto is
alwayds nice to have, especially when I have the 3 DCE.
But when I was
looking through my deck, I noticed my weekness to Energy removal. Even
though use them, I still needed protection. so I added in mp mewtwo and fossil
gastly. I used scizor mainly because of metal benefit, and that it is an
offensive defensive pokemon. The neo 2 one is much better. I will use
another in place of the promo one as soon as I can get one. I also like it
because I can use scyther to fend off fighting pokemon. I used gligar
mainly to fight electebuzz, which is still overplayed, and I can poison with it,
plus free retreat.
This deck uses weakness and resistance
to its fullest. here's another bad diagram.
This is what pokemon I
would use against what other archetypes and other pokemon.
would use Mp mewtwo and scyther
gligar-I would use scyther
mewtwo-I would use wigglytuff, sneasil, and ditto
ditto-I would use mp
scyther-I would use scizor
fossil magmar-I would use misty's
electebuzz-I would use gligar
Wigglytuff-I would use gligar
sneasil-I would use ditto
rockets zapdos-I would use ditto
and the
diminishing raindance- I would use Scyther against the grass weak pokemon. And
wiggly/ scizor against the others(They are strong and can take some punishment)
The trainers are pretty self explanitory. very old school, and simple.
OK, enough with the deck, here are the matches.
The way the tournament worked was there was an expeirienced, and a not so expeirienced tournament.
round 1 vs Ryland
I always seem to play ryland in tournaments. he
usually does well, but recently he has been trying some new weird decks. A
few examples are his all-8-old-challenges-at-once-deck(1 blains magmar, 59 fire
energies), and his no-chansey-no-alakazam-no-metal-stall-deck This time he
played the strange stall deck. This was an easy match. BAsically I
koed all his aipalms and tentacool. Very weird guy.
Round 2 vs. Jimmy.
Jimmy is a weird guy, who beat jacob(last weeks tournament winner) easily. I
felt a little uneasy, and It didn't help that I had 2 scythers, no good
trainers, and he had a charmander. I went first, played a metal on my
benched scyther. He did 20 to my scyther, I evoved, put another metal, and
let him go, he embered my fiirst scyther, I put a psycic energy on scizor, and
laid down a pluspower. All I needed was 1 out of 2 heads to win, but I got
both tails and only did 30 damage. he embered and then lost. Neither
of us got lucky, but I won anyway, And I only used 1 trainer, thats the 1st time
I've done that in a long time.
final round vs. Zach
Zach, by some miracle, had made it to me. he
is Jacob's little brother, and me and jake are cool, so I knew him pretty
well. He played a psycic deck, with mp mewtwo and mew. I alredy knew
everthying about it because I had built it for him for the ECSTS. Anyways. I
beat him down with wigglytuff.
Well, the tournament was easy, and I still had time to kill, so I played jake. Ever since they moved the league to mondays, and scott stoped coming, jake has been the closest thing to a rival that I've had. Anyways, He also played a deck I had helped him wth, so I knew it was good, But He playes to well for me to anticipate his moves like I did his brother. He played a rockets zapdos, rockets hitmonchan, gligar, dark riachu, and murkrow deck, on rocket on format, I used sneasil alot, and wiggly some too, but as worse came to worse for him, I won.
I also played a guy name blue, and a few other kids. They were asll
pretty easy. I had fun writing this, and if you had as much fun reading this, as
I did writing this, then I had twice as much fun writing this as you did reading
this. I will write again if I play some interesting matches, And
you'll probably see more of me on TCG tips. E-mail me if you have any
feedback, I love getting tips/bashe letters/death threats/letter bombs/and
atachment viruses/ but good luck getting me with any of those.
Whatever, Cya
Matt Haithcock