Psychic's Revenge (psychic mix)
By Ben (a.k.a.Brat)
Wizards Of The Coast Store at Roosevelt Field Shopping Center
Tournament Prizes
1st place / 1 team rocket booster, 1 gym heros booster, 1 gym challenge booster
2nd place / Deck Holder
3rd place / 80 extra pts
June 16, 2001

Deck List:
Pokemon 19
Sabrina's Abra (lv.18) x2
Sabrina's Kadabra x2
Sabrina's Alakazam x1
Mr.Mime x2
Mewtwo (Promo #2) x1
Slowpoke (neo) x2
Slowking x2
Erika's Dratini x2
Ditto x1
Cleffa (neo) x1
Gligar x2
Elekid x1
Trainers 21
Pluspower x4
Energy Removal x3
Super Energy Removal x2
Secret Mission x2
Professor Elm x2
Eco Gym x2
Energy Retrieval x2
Super Energy Retrieval x2
Chaos Gym x1
Sprout Tower x1
Energy 20
Psychic Energy x16
Full Heal Energy x2
Double Colorless Energy x2

Hey! I did some moving around with my deck. At my leauge every Saturaday's a tourny.
The rules are that you match yourself with someone and during twenty minutes you do
as many battles as you can or want with that person. ^ _^ Enough small talk lets get to the

   Round 1
     Freind Chris Wants To Battle!+_+
ALL of the 3 battles where the same, he had Unown O,E,A,and Girafarig to start. I always had
Mewtwo and Sabrina's Abra (gets evolved) for some reason. I just beat him down easily.(we tied
at the last battle because time was called).
          Win 2 Tie 1 Lose 0

    Round 2
      ??? wants to Battle!
The details are very fuzzy. (~_~Sorry) But, I won all 3.
      Win 5 tie 1 Lose 0

     Round 3
       Gambler ??? wants to battle!
         Battle 1
He started with Gligar and a neo 2 eevee. I had Mr.Mime and Elekid. I went first. drew an elm,attached psy to mime. go.he attached dce to gligar then use slash 20. drew secret mission.
when i used secret mission he had a flareon and some energies.I discarded energy retrieval
and a psy and drew an energy removal and a pluspower.attached +power to mime.removed                dce from gligar. used elm and my new hand was 2 psychic,cleffa,mewtwo,super energy
removal,gust, and energy retrieval. attached psy to mime and used meditate for 20. he
attached fighting energy to gligar and used poisen sting if it was heads mime was going down.
luckily it was tails 0_~.drew a sprout tower then i played it. first I put mewtwo and cleffa               down. then i retreated mime(discarding 1 psy)for cleffa. retreated cleffa (for free)for mime.
retreated mime(discarding 1 psy) for mewtwo. attach psy to mewtwo and absorbed two
psys. attached fire to eevee then used gligar's slash. I drew a psy and used psyburn for the
ko. my prize was slowking. he sent out eevee and attached a fire to eevee and evolved
to flareon.he used flareon's quick attack w/ tails so, only 10. i drew a gligar and put it on my
bench. i used psyburn. he used quick attach w/ tails phew.........i used psyburn to win.
                    win 6 tie 1 lose 0

       Round 4
         Fisher ??? wants to battle!
  Battle 1
he had lapras and I had ditto.I went first and attached a psy to ditto and used water gun                     for ten. he went and put a sudowoodo he attached a water to lapras.he used water gun                       for ten.i went and i attached a psy to ditto and used confuse ray w/ heads for confusion.                     he attached a water to lapras and tried to use confuse ray but he hit himself. i went and              attached a  psychic energy  to ditto and used water gun for 20. he went and attached a                 fighting to sudowoodo tried to use confuse ray but he ko'ed himself. he sent out
sudowoodo(note:it's my turn because he got ko'ed on his turn) and i used rock throw.
he went and used rock throw. i went and used rock throw for the ko. I WIN.
   Battle 2
the details are fuzzy but i remember i life drained his articuno with sabrina's kadabra
with only one energy attached. he used freeze dry i was paralyzed.i evolved to sabrina's
alakazam and copied slowpokes psyshock to win.
           win8 tie1 lose0

         Round 5
            Dude Boss wants to batttle!
    Battle 1
He had an a er well i forgot to start but i had sabrina's abra,kadabra, and alakazam in my hand
and i eventually won ^_^.
Same as above.
   Battle 3
I showed him my hand. then he forfieted^_^   ^_^.
     Win11 Tie1 Lose0

             Round 6
          Cooltrainer* Prince wants to battle!
He had something that does 20 damage and two onixes. we had a long hard battle after
he got two steelixes out. after he ko'ed my slowking he was free to gust my mime in and
tackle it win
   Win 11 tie1 lose1

     Round 7
         Newbie ???? wants to battle!
 He started with machop, a machop , and a rattata on the bench.I had Erikas Dratini.
I went first. Secret missioned twice and elmed to get gligar, cleffa,and mewtwo
on the bench. after erikas dratini beat a 2 machops he had evolved another one on the
bench to machoke. he only had 1 energy on it so he attached another fighting to it.
I drew a gust and gusted in rattata retreated erika's dratini for gligar(with a dce attached)
and slashed to win!!!!
     Win 12   tie1 lose1

I won the tounament!!!!!!^_^
I got a holo koga,holo rocket moltres, a non-holo misprint dark vileplume in the prize packs.
I also bought 5 gym challenge boosters I got a holo Blaine's Arcanine,giovannni,lt.surges jolteon,chaos gym,and koga's muk.This kid traded me a fertaligatr for his whole binder!!

Props and Slops
Props to
My mom
My deck
Winning the tountounament
Pojo if they post this
Slops to