The Beat-Down Punch deck
                                                                by John Mosesman
                                                                Lawton , Oklahoma
                                                                about 20 participants
                                                            sorry, I can't remember the date
Here is my deck, beat-down punch
3 hitmonchan ( base set )
2 scyther ( jungle)
1 igglybuff ( neo discovery )
2 jigglypuff ( jungle )
1 wigglytuff ( base set 2 )
3 machop ( base set )
2 machoke ( base set 2 )
1 machamp ( base set )
2 diglett ( base set )
1 dugtrio ( base set )
2 onix ( base set )
1 steelix ( neo genisis )
2 murkrow ( neo genisis )
1 sneasel ( neo genisis )
4 energy search
4 energy retrieval
1 professer oak
4 darkness energy
1 steel energy
20 fighting energy
Now on to the report.
Round 1 me / my friend Todd with steel/fighting deck
This round was suicside. I started with Giovanni's Machop with a Sneasel on the bench and him with a Skarmory and with a Onix on the bench. He went first and attached a steel energy to skarmory and used claw which dealt 20. I drew a darkness energy and attached to Sneasel and passed. Then he attached fighting energy to Skarmory and used Claw for 20. I attached another darkness energy to Sneasel and passed. He attached another fighting energy and used Steel Wing which dealt 30 which K.O.ed my Giovanni's Machop. I attacked with beat-up and got 1 heads which 20 plus 20 ( darkness energy) for 40 total damage. I lost because I had no basics.
   After the match I decided that I should take out the Dark Machamp line and the Giovanni's Machamp line. I added Jigglypuff and Wigglytuff, Scyther, Diglett and Dugtrio, and some Hitmonchan. The main reason I built this deck is to make battling more fun and to give people a chance. Surprisingly it did pretty good. 
Round 2 me / my brother with a mono fire deck
This round was interesting I started with a Machop and a Murkrow, Hitmonchan, and an Igglybuff on the bench. and him with a Kangashkan as active and two Blaine's Growlithe with another Kangaskhan on the bench. I went first and attached a fighting energy to my Machop and attacked with low kick which dealt 40. He drew and used Blaine and attached two fire energy to Blaine's Growlithe and evolved it into Blaine's Arcanine. I drew and attached a darkness energy to my Murkrow and low kicked for 40. He used another Blaine and attached two more fire which leaves his Blaine's Arcanine with 5 fire energy cards! I drew another darkness energy and attached it to my Murkrow and retreated my Machop and used Mean Look . Then he attached a fire energy card to Kangaskhan and used Fetch. Next turn I used Feint Attack on his Arcanine and we did this pattern the rest of the time. Eventually I K.O.ed all his pokemon.
Now for the Props and Slops
Prop to my brother fo being a good loser
Thanks for reading!
John Mosesman