team rocket v1.1 (grass/colorless)
by Dfirestorme519
Anchorage, Alaska
date of tournament 8/20/00
number of players roughly 20-30 players
this is my first time sending in a deck i got the idea for this deck from a
friend who had deck with the same theme but different pokemon this is fun
deck and easy deck to make because it only has five rare cards the tournament
i played this deck was my third on but this tournament was the first one i
won I'm not a high ranking player but I'm one the best at my league and
players up in Alaska are so good the battles can last an hour or even longer
and i think I'm lucky to have won this tournament but enough talk let me show
what's in my deck
team rocket v1.1
3xbase set koffing
2xjungle meowth
1xgame boy promo meowth
4xteam rocket ekans
2xjungle lickitung
2x fossil weezing
1xdark arbok
1xdark weezing
2xenergy removal
1xpoke ball
1xthe boss's way
1xnightly garbage run
1xgood manners
1xenergy retrieval
1xgust of wind
1xsuper energy removal
1xhere comes team rocket
25xgrass energy
4xdouble cololrless energy
this is what was in the deck when used it in the tournament if you want
deck i play with now drop 2 grass energy for a super rod and professor elm it
still is one of my best decks the basic theme is win using pokemon that jesse
and james used in the cartoon i know i really shouldn't have waited this long
to write this but i remember a lot from the tournament ok time for my first
round 1 vs vincent (erika theme deck)
he was new and asked me to help him so i did he was pretty good he used
erika's exeggutor to take out my meowths but by turn 5 i removed all is
energy and smoged him with my weezing on my last turn so he was poisoned and
now 40 damage so i used selfdestruct it was his only pokemon and i had dark
arbok on my bench so i won he thanked me and left to fight his next
round 2 vs jazzmine (fighting deck)
this was quick she had rocket mankey i had koffing turn 2 she used anger and
got heads i evolved koffing played potion and used smog but no posion she
used anger and got heads so that killed my only pokemon and shook her and and
left to fight my next opponent
round 3 vs robert (water deck)
this fight was tough for a while we had no energy but about mid round after
we got enough energy to start fighting it was brutal i killed his krabby then
killed my ekans it was my turn and he just killed my weezing and my current
weezing was alomost dead with no energy and robert's kingler was heavily
damaged but then his mom came and he had to go i won because i drew 3 prizes
and he drew 2
most of the kids had to leave so the four best players of the remnaing 15
fought in the semi-finals
semi-finals vs aron (fighting/colorless)
we only had one pokemon the entire game lickitung vs lickitung he went first
when i had 80 damge and he only had 70 i thought i'm dead but then i drew a
potion so i played potion and tounge wrapped him and paralyzed him he passed
and i tounge wrapped for the win
finals vs vincent(erika theme deck)again
this time he didn't need my help i statred with meowth to his erika's
bellsprout ,turn 1 i played double colorless energy and i used pay day and
drew a card then he used carless tackle,turn 2 i drew my card and played
koffing and gave him a energy and used pay day he played erika's exeggcute
and gave him a grass energy he passed,turn 3 i played koffing and gave my
first koffing some more energy and i used pay day he then energized his
erika's exeggcute and evolved him and used carless tackle which fainted his
bellsprout,turn 4 i gave the koffing one last energy played good manners got
my last koffing evolved the first one into weezing and smoged his erika's
exeggutor and poisoned him he then used stomp,turn 5 i used selfdestruct for
the win
i won the tournament hooray
and i only lost once which show that even a good deck losses once in a while
well that's the story behind my team rocket deck a thumbs up to vincent for
being a good sport and no thumbs down to anyone thanks for reading
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