Shockwave [water]
by Will Bertrand
Fort Worth, Texas

    My deck did very well for its first time and if u like this deck most of
it is made from ColdFusion. I tried it because I like raindance and kingdra
is pretty cool. Well, there were 20 participants. Now heres my deck.

3x Horsea[neo1]
3x Seadra[2 neo1,1 fossil]
2x Kingdra[neo1]
2x Seel[base]
1x Dewgong[base]
3x Squirtle[2 TR, 1 base]
2x Wartortle[base]
1x Dark Wartortle[TR]
1x Blastoise[base]
1x Dark Blastoise[TR]
2x Lapras[fossil]
2x Articuno[fossil]
    23 Pokemon
2x Bill
3x Energy Search
3x Super Potion
2x Pro. Elm
2x Comp. Search
    12 Trainers
24x Water Energy
1x DCE
    25 Energys

                                                        THE TOURNEY

First Match: Shock wave vs. Fireball
    I start with a horsea and squirtle, he starts with charmander. I go
first. Draw  another water energy put 1 on squirtle.[end of turn] He goes and
oaks attaches1 fire energy to charmander and scratch for 10.[end of turn] I
go draw wartortle put a water energy on wartortle and
withdraw........heads.His turn attaches another r energy and ember for 30. I
go draw a articuno and atach a w energy to wartortle bite bye bye charmander
he has no more pokemon I WIN!
                                                  W:1 L:0

Second Match:Shockwave vs. Slasher[syther deck duh]
    I start with squirtle,  wartortle, blastoise, articuno, and 3 w
energys.[The perfect hand] She goes first
plays a bulbasaur and attaches 1 g enrgy to it. I draw another w energy and
attach 1 w energy to squirtle and bubble........heads shes paraylized. She
goes and puts syther on the bench and attaches 1 g energy to bulbasaur and
evolves to erickas ivysaur. My turn evolve to wartortle attach a w energy to
wartortle and withdraw...............heads. He goes and attaches a g enrgy to
erickas ivysuar and double razor leaf 2 tails it does no damage thanks to
withdraw. My turn evolve to balstoise put 2 w energys  on blatoise and hydro
pump for 30 because of relaxing scent. her turn attches a g energy to scyther
and double razor leaf 1 head 1 tail....does 40 damage to blatoise. My turn
attach 1 w energy to blastoise and 1 w enrgy to articuno and hydro pump for
30 bye bye ivysaur.She puts out scyther and attaches a dce to to scyther and
slash for 30. My turn hydro pump for 60 and i attach 2 w enrgys to articuno.
Her trun slash for 30 bye blastoise. My turn attach 1 w enrgy to articuno and
blizzard bye scyther I WIN!
                                W:2 L:0
Third Match: A BYE i buy 3 packs a base and 2 neo i get charizard [my first]
typhosion[ my second] and a lugia[my first] i had really good luck with the
pokemon i got in packs.

Fourth Match: Shockwave W:2 L:0 vs. Dragonrage W:3 L:0
     Fastest match ever i get horsea, seel, and dewgong. I go first attach a
w energy to seel and headbutt for 20 against charmander. His turn attaches a
r energy to charmander and scratch for 10. My turn attach a w energy to
dewgong and finish turn. He attaches a r energy to charmander and evolves to
charmeleon and oaks. My turn attach a w energy to dewgong and aurora beam and
hes dead he has no more pokemon. I WIN
                                    W:3 L:0
Fifth Match: Shockwave W:3 L:0 vs. Blaine W:3 L:0
    Not much of a final. I go first and have squirtle active and attach a DCE
to it and shell attack blaines charmander for 40. His turn attaches a DCE to
blaines charmander and slash for 20. My turn shell attack for 40 again and
blaines charmander dies he has no more pokemon I WIN!
For winning i get all of the fossil expansion and 3 neo packs in paks i get
Skarmos[my second] and Sneasal[which i traded for my second blastoise]
                                            Now Props and Slops
To my opponents for running out of pokemon[wat luck]
to my parents for taking me
to my packs i got[really good pokemon]
to my deck it did well here in this tourney
to pojo for hopefully posting this[i love the mag. and web site]
To the new 15 plus rule they cant battle anymore that !$*%& sucks
to my opponents for being so easy
to my nephew for not making it past the second round[he tried his hardest

Well thats it fo my killer deck report if u have some oppions for my deck
email me at