The Nezvenucenter Deck (grass)
by Nick Zoechbauer
Amazing Discoveries
Tucson, Arizona
Sunday, Febuary 25th, 2001
15 Particapants
I recently tried this place out even though there werent to many participant.
3 bulbasaur
2 Venusaur
3 scyther
3 jigglypuff
2 wiggly tuff
2 pinsir
4 plus power
4 pokemon center
2 pokemon breeder
3 bill
2 oak
2 comp. search
4 gust of wind
2 nightly garbage run
18 grass
4 double colorless
1st match
This was a potpourri mixed with rapidashes. i played jiggly and pounded his
next turn i evolved bulba to venusaur. i built up venusar and used solarbeam
to kill magmar, ponyta,scyther and hitmonchan. he brought out mr. mime and i
ran for jigglypuff.he found no more basics.
2nd round vs wiggly maker
I got creamed in this match. he got out wigglytuff fast and continiously
energy removaled my venusaur. he used a lot of oaks so his deck was low so i
kept venusar out and healed it with centers. i hadnt seen one of his gust of
winds the entire game so i didnt expect him to gust out jiggly and do the
wave it for the win.
3rd round vs preconstructed deck. i started with pinsir and KOed a couple
pokemon untill pinsir was KOed itself. i promoted venusar and beat his final
final round vs friend carl.
I got venusar out on turn 4 and won because i solarbeamed his hoppip.
Yeah i win. i gave my friend the credit because he neede to catch up on rares
from the previous sets(ihe won some rocket and jungle boosters).
props and slops
props to carl for driving me to the tournament
props to james p for a great deck idea.
props to the manager and stephen for setting up these tournaments
no slops
thanks for reading