                     colombia mall, the wizards store
                     Columbia Maryland
                     Im dmytry berkout

1 base buzz
1 fossil zappy
2 base voltorb
2 base electrode
3 jungle spearow
3 jungle fearow
2 fossile horsea
2 fossil seadra
1 fossil articono
1 fossil ditto
1 fossil psy duck
1 fossil golduck
1 neo mantine (stingray like pokemon)
4 potion
1 new pokedex
1 pokedex
3 pluspower
1 bill
1 gust of wind
1 double gust
14 water energy
13 electric energy

Game 1 me vs firedeck
I started out with articuno and he w cindaquill(one with 50 hp)
I won the coin toss.I have mantine and a cuople energys and a pokedex. I
pokedex. Attach a energy to arty and I pass. he attaches a energy and
passes.my turn. draw bill and use it to get horsea and a pluse power.
attach energy to arty an pass.a nother energy to typhlosion and pass. He
ataches another energy a breeds to a japenees typhlosion. pokepower (flip
coin if heads attach 4 fire energies to typhlosion) tails. a nother energy
to typhlosion and passes. I attach another energy to arty and freez dry 4
tails. his turn poke power heads he win tails i win and its...
TAILS!!!!!!!!!! he benche a japenes moltres, 60 hp and 40 damage.attaches
energy to typhlosion?????????? and passes.
I freez dry kill his phlosion and draw a energy 4 a prize. next he bring
out moltres nad passes i frz dry 4 the win.
    Game 2 me vs same firedeck
i win toss. its mantine vs a cinaquill
short story , undulate, undalate i win.

    Game 3 me vs a super powerful deck
make a long story short i got no water energies only electric and no
elecrtic poks only water. he wins with scarmory
Thats all the time i had left well on to the props and slops

4 getting a lugia holo 1st edition from my neo boster
pojo 4 bieng a great site
pojo  posting my report
4 my dad drving me
4 my dad 4 bying me 2 bosters(1 neo 1 roket)
for me getting a rainbow energy from my rocket booster
Thats all bye email me at dmytry90@hotmail.com byebye seeya