Death By Jiggly v.1.2(Grass/Fire)
by Dennis Pollina
Pokemon League
Milford, Connecticut
Saturday, March 3rd, 2001
About 35 total participants

    I've been tweaking around with this deck for some time but I think I've
finally got it right.  This Pokemon League is really a joke.  Mainly made up
of ten 5 year olds, about twelve 10 year olds, and then the rest of us.  
Everyone has some rendition of a wiggly/sneasel/trap-deck or RainDance but
this can be the biggest threat to either of those.  So far this deck is about
10 wins and 3 losses.  Here it is, hope you like:

Death By Jiggly

2 Magmar
1 Scyther
1 Chansey
3 Erikas Jiggly
1 Cleffa
4 CPU Search
2 Item Finder
1 Scoop Up
1 Defender
1 Energy Retrievel
2 Full Heal
4 Plus Power
3  Oak
3 Bill
2 Gust O' Wind
2 Potion
1 Switch
3 Rocket's Sneak Attack
2 Rocket's Trap
1 Goop Gas Attack
1 Ecogym
1 N.R. Gym
1 Berry
1 Gold Berry
2 Misty's Wrath
9 Fire Energy
4 Double Colorless

This deck is chock full o' trainers and can be extremely vulnerable to a
Devestation/Trap Deck.  I've been able to withstand them for the most part
with the main attacker of this deck---E. Jiggly---- which I think is by far
one of the best basic pokemon created for the card game.  Here's what I can
remember from the battles earlier this morning---> ENJOY!

1st Battle vs. Marc(Electric/Water):
From what I make of it his deck is a poorly built RainDance deck.  
  1st turn he wins the flip and puts out a Squirtle(base) with another on
his bench along with a Totodile(50hp).  He passes I have E. Jiggly out and a
Magmar on my bench, use a bill then attach a double colorless... lights out
for Squirtle.
   Next turn he sends out Totodile and evolves to Squirtle to Wartortle and
attaches an energy and passes.I then draw an Oak.  Lucky me I get a plus
power attach an energy on Magmar&...lights out for Totodile.
  Sends out Wartortle and evolves to Blatoise puts on 3 energy and does 40
to E. Jiggly. My Turn-I switch with a Magmar and Smokescreen for 10.
  He draws and puts down a Mareep.  Flips for smokecreen--> his attack
fails, My Turn.  I gust o' wind with Mareep, retreat Magmar,.... lights out
for Mareep.
  He forfits & I get the win.
                         1- 0- 0
2nd Battle vs. Vinny(Raindance[see what I mean!])
He has a great Raindance deck but unforunately started off with only a
  He wins the flip but has only a Squirtle(BASE) I have a Scyther out an
nothing on my bench.  He attaches an energy and does bubble for 10 but doesnt
paralyze me.
My Turn-I draw a double colorless and then cpu search for a E. Jiggly. Then I
retreat Scyther and you know the math (E. Jiggly+ Squirtle= Death)
                         2- 0- 0
3rd Battle vs.Steve(Steelix/Haymaker)
His Steel deck is unfortunately a nuisance to this deckbecause he just stalls
  He starts of with a Onix(neo) and Hitmonchan.  I have E.Jiggly.  He has
Hitmonchan out and I win the flip.  I draw an oak and gust o' wind with his
Onix. I attach a plus power and oak. What a idiot! I get no plus power.  So I
attach a double colorless and do 50.  He draws, attaches a gold berry, then
attaches an energy and uses screech.  
  Now he has only ten on him so I put down a scyther and use Group Therapy
my turns over.  He draws and evolves to Steelix and takes out my E. Jiggly.  
I draw a Magmar and retreat scyther to use smokescreen....To make a long
story short he stalled for as long as he could and he eventually got me to
outdeck myself.
                        2- 1- 0
4th Battle vs. Brian(electric/fire)

This battle was the most pathetic that I've played in a long time.  Now after
suffering a humiliating loss I wasn't prepared to lose easily(which I didn't)
  Brian wins the flip and puts 5 crappy pokemon on his bench (each with only
40 hp) and had out a Brocks Vulpix(40 hp).  I had a Cleffa out and had none
on my bench.He draws attaches an energy to B. Vulpix and trys to use flame
for 20.  His attack fails My Turn- I have nothing in my hand so I use
Eeeeeek.I get an E. Jiggly and double colorless but my turns over.
  He has no more energys and when he uses flame it fails again. My Turn- I
draw put down E. Jiggly attach the double colorless.  I then retreat Cleffa
and take out the B. Vulpix.
  He draws and sends out Eevee(promo) evolves to Dark Flareon, he then
attaches a energy and attacks for 10.  My Turn- I draw and cpu search for a
plus power do 50 with E. Jiggly and take out the Dark Flareon.  
  From then on it was all down hill for him and he drew no more energies. I
took out 2 more of his pokemon before he forfeited.
  Well I hope you all enjoy this deck and try it out, it really does work!


Props to E. Jiggly for being such a good card.
Props to Wizards for releasing such a deadly card.
Slops to that dang steelix and steel energies for reducing attacks.
Props to pojo for letting me list this great deck
