Scrambled Eggs V 1.0
by MonkeyHunter a.k.a Brandon
Toys R Us - Pokemon League
New Hartford, New York
February 28th 2001
About 25 People (More came later)
I recently attended a Pokemon Leauge at a local Toys R Us this past weekend.
I was able to stay for three hours. I was playing a new deck idea I had the
past week and finally got the cards to make it. Here is the deck.......
Scrambled Eggs v 1.0
4x Eggecute
4x Eggexutor
3x MP Mewtwo
3x Scyther
2x Cleffa
3x Recycle Energy
4x DCE
10x Psychic
3x Oak
2x NGR
2x Eco Gym
2x Sprout Tower
3x Bill
2x GOW
2x SER
4x Pluspower
2x Item Finder
3x Gold Berry
2x Switch
Total: 60 (I think)
Round 1: Scrambled Eggs v. A 9 or 10 year-old boy with an Electric Deck
This was a quick round I got a MP Mewtwo, two pluspowers, 2 psychic energy,
an Eggexutor and a DCE. I put out the MP Mewtwo and went first drawing a
Cleffa. I put a energy on Mew2 and passed. He then put one lone Pikachu on
the bench (Movie 2000) and passed. I drew a energy. To make a long story
short I got three energies on Mew2 and killed his only Pokemon.
Round 2: Scrambled Eggs v. A Water deck
I knew this kid for awhile he was a hyper 11-year old who always threatened
to sue the gym leader if they didn't trade. This game went fast because of
his multiple Bill use at one point I could of swore he played five Bills in
a row. But I got the better of him a got an Eggexutor out with 5 energy and
took out his Wartortle, Wooper and Gyarados.
I only had enough time for that because the next two hours I spent trading!
I got new cards for my next creation: Scrambled Eggs v 2.0!
To my mom for sitting there for three hours on the tiny picnic table. [Editor's
Note: Wow... your mom is REALLY great! ...and good for you for remembering
to give her props!]
Me for trading a Focus Band for a Venusaur (If you saw how many Venus he had
this deal would sound better)
To that "Cheater" a.k.a Hyper Kid
If you like, dislike this deck or have a question or just want to say hi.
E-mail me at (bti
stands for "big taco inhaler")
Please no hate mail or any other unessary attachments.