Daniel Duterte
ICQ: 78639433
AIM: Earthbound410

If there's a door, we open it.  If there's something we can break, we
break it.  And in the end we blow the whole place to smithereens! -
Selphie Tilmett, Final Fantasy VIII

(go heels)



Zappy Hay v1.2
by Daniel Duterte (ebArtemis410)
Pojo's Pokemon League

Hi, Daniel Duterte aka ebArtemis410 here with a deck report, this time for an online tournament. I got bored since I haven't done a Killer Deck report in such a long time and I'm really bored right now so I feel like doing one now since I did pretty well.

Zappy Hay v.1.2
Pokemon (10)
3 Rocket's Zapdos
2 Ditto
2 Scyther
1 Magby
2 Cleffa
Energy (13)
9 Lightning Energy
4 Double Colorless
Trainers (37)
4 Professor Oak
4 Computer Search
3 Item Finder
4 PlusPower
2 Gust of Wind
2 Scoop Up
3 Sprout Tower
3 Rocket's Sneak Attack
4 Gold Berry
3 Energy Removal
3 Super Energy Removal
2 Nightly Garbage Run

This is basically kind of a metagamed version of my Neo Zappy Hay, adding Magby for Slowking and Ditto to get at Sneasel. It runs fairly well as it proved on Sunday.

Anyway, Robochu64 had just become a Tournament Director and he had this tournament today and he got a doozy: 33 participants, single-elimination, and Standard American, so it was kinda like March Madness ^_^ It was quite hectic I could tell, but after a while, things got underway. You can check out the bracket here, I'm at the very bottom of the bracket.

Round 1 vs. Bye
Oh man, I had such a hard time with this match ;) There was only one match and the person's opponent wasn't in the room, so Robochu advanced him.
Record 1-0

Round 2 vs. Lunatic Woodlouse (Sneasel/Koga's Zubat)
This person is very nice to talk to and we basically talked for much of the match =\ I get a Scyther going and starting going through him. If he got Sneasel charged up, I had a Super Energy Removal waiting for him. It went to time and I got the win.
Record 2-0

Round 3 vs. GLitcH (Sneasel Trap)
Rofl, Glh's previous match was hilarious, he lost but his opponent had 7 Dark Energy in his deck! He even had a screenshot. Anyway, my Zappy got charged up and ko'd a few Pokes but he trapped me and his Sneasel got out, but I survived one beat up and killed it. Then Ditto came along and rolled a few Zappies and Sneasels. It went to time, but it was a nice match.
Record 3-0

Quaterfinals vs. ChallengerG (Clefable/Muk)
This had to be the lamest match ever. He opens with Neo Clefairy and truely has a horrid hand. I had a Magby and a Ditto and some Energy and removals. I go first and Sputter. He drops an energy and passes, I drop on Ditto and I removal and sputter again with a PlusPower. He double Ser's me and passes. I Sputter again, and he has nothing and I win. The lamest match ever, too bad =\
Record 4-0

Semifinals vs. DeT_ss4_Goku (Sneasel/Chaos)
This was actually one of the tougher matches. Details are kinda sketchy, sorry. I get the advantage early getting Eeeeeeeks off and got Zappy going. He pulled Chaos Gym, but I would send out Cleffa to Eeeeeeek for a Sprout Tower. It got close, but I sent a Scyther out and ko'd a Sneasel and left out a Magby and I nailed him to go up 2, then time was called and I had won. Great Game.
Record 5-0

Finals vs. David aka ebRaikou (Sneasel/Slowking)
Geez, finals against a fellow team member. Anyway, I didn't have a bad hand and I opened with Rocket's Zappy. He went first and Rocket Sneaked my Computer Search so I was screwed. He was trying to charge up Sneasel, and I had one lone Super Energy Removal. I didn't get anything and he beat me up to win the tournament. Good job Rai!
Record 5-1 (second place)

Props and Slops
* Props to Robochu64 for handling his first tournament very well for such a big tourney!
* Props to Rai for winning
* Props to my opponent's for being cool
* Slops to Duke cuz they blew out UNC
* Slops to me only getting one upmatch (but winning it ^_^)
* Slops to cheaters and coin riggers
* Slops to this report since it's probably such a piece of crap (= \)


Daniel Duterte aka ebArtemis410

(go heels)