2.1 (electric)
kelly wolfe
central cincinnati ohio
well today was a league and tourney day so i had to enter since i hadnt been
in a tourney for a while i played the deck that i played in the league and im
a gym leader so everyone either trys to copy it or is afraid of it in general
3 clefairy
3 clefable
3 r zap
2 buzz
2 ditto
1 scyther
1 elekid
4 bill
4 oak
3 comp search
3 item findrr
3 gold berry
3 gow
2 ser
2 ngr
2 scoop
2 plus pow
2 rocket sneak
11 eletric
4 dce
ok i kno what ur thinkin theres not enough of things but this deck is a
monster it performs exelent i had a strait winning record through the tourney
and outside of it u put zap out and comp away some energy get a clefairy
the bench next turn put clefable on it and a dce with 3 eletric on apdos and
uve basicly won the game jus try not to deck urself scythers there for
ovious reasons and elekid is incase ur asleep or cant atack or retreat
round 1
ok i hate to play this kid he annoyis the $%^& outta me ne ways he had a
that copyed off mine (sorta) he had elctabuzz but no zapdos(note he copyed
version one with 4 wiggly n jiggly instead of clefable)
i got a zapdos out in the first round and powered up another one on the bench
and took out all his little 70 hps with ez
the second match was close he used wiggly to stall a lot with sleep cuz i was
rollin a lot of tails so i eventually playful punched my way to victory but
never actually became awake(note this was a close game i almost decked myself
nice game if ur readin this out best one yet)
round 2
this guy is kewl n all but he has an old school rain dance that he made by
himself liek 3 weeks after poke started so he doesnt even have ne jungle
match 1
he had a hand full of energy and i had zapdos out and ditto against his
squirtle so that was myy ame
2nd match he had the same problem with lack of basics sure he got a few
staryu and squirtle otu but after like 4 turns he jus gave cuz he knew it
jus wasnt gonna work
i wish we coulda had a better ame oh well
round 3
another rain dance kid(i have no idea whats up with rain dances today)its
prolly y i won)
basicly what happened abpove electric domenates water he had a perfect record
except for me when i played him but he got secong tho
well the first roungd tyook so long we only did three rounds
al in all that day i got 8 packs and only one was holo and that was a holo
karihana(bellosom) but they werw fisrt ed packs and i got a snealse and
murkcrow so i guess it was woryh it thatnx for readin
my email is my aim is o5 pimp dady or krwolfe533