"Flip a coin. If heads, I win. If tails, you lose." V 1.0
by: Jonathan Schweppe (master_lugia)
Moline, Illinois.
Saturday, March 17, 2001
21 participants.

     Although my dci ranking says i've only played in 2 tourneys, i've
actually played in about 10. I've been playing for a long time now, and I
personally believe Neo Genesis has changed the game more than ANY other set.
I've played sneasel for a long time online, and now have enough cards to
play it. Sneasel was barely played believe it or not! I was extremely
surprised. I think me and a kid named Matt were the ONLY sneasel players.
What made a big showing however was haymaker and steelix...

Flip a coin. If heads, i win. If tails, i lose. V 1.0

pokemon x14
Electabuzz x3
Jigglypuff x3
Wigglytuff x2
Sneasel x2
Cleffa x2
Erika's Dratini x2

Trainers x27
Oak x3
Gust x3
CPU Search x3
Pluspower x3
RSA x3
Gold berry x2
Energy Charge x2
Chaos gym x2
Ecogym x2
Item finder x2
Super Energy Removal x2

Energy x19
lightning x7
DCE x4
Darkness x4
Rainbow x2
Recycle x2

     This deck had a few problems however. A big mistake was not to play
Rocket's Zapdos or scyther. I needed the resistance. It hurt rather badly
later when i faced hitmonchan. However, you'll find it worked well, and with
a few minor changes, its very viable in a tournament. The tournament started
with a 4 round swiss, with the top 8 going on to a single elimination round.

ROUND 1: Vs. Michael with (old fashioned hay, with hitmon and farfetch'd)

     He had a nice start, with a hitmon, while i had a jiggly and cleffa. I
eeeeeeeked a few times, and he got a couple tails... :P Finally i got
sneasel out with 3 darks and wiped out everything, using SER to eliminate
potential threats and chaos gym to well... cause chaos! It was a wipeout,
with me beating him on prizes 5-0


Round 2: Vs. ??? (we call him cheater!) with (kangaskhan, feraligatr,
typhlosion, meganium, ampharos...)

     He called it potpourri. I called it toilet paper. Either way, it was so
fast i barely saw his "shinies", lol. Sneasel started off with a dark, i
oaked, and got some nice cards. I played chaos and said go. He draws, with
his only basic as kangaskan, and fetches. I draw, play darkness, and have a
full bench. The flips were: heads, heads, heads, heads, heads, heads! I won,
doing 140 damage.


Round 3: Vs. Blake with (tuffstuff with hitmon elect and scy.)

      It was sad. I started with 3 jigglys, and nothing but toilet paper in
my hand. He had a hitmonchan, and jabbed away. He eventually killed all of
mine after lassing when i got a computer search with only 1 other card. He
read me like a book.


Round 4: Vs. Matt with (steelix/fighting/fire)

      I had been dreading a match with steelix, because i had never beaten
one before. It was long and endless. But finally, with it tied 1-1, he
gusted out my jiggly and did 40 with gligar. I retreated for wiggly with 0
cards in my deck, i surprised him by playing a dark and doing 60 to gligar
with 4 peeps on my bench. He was POed.


      I was now 3-1, and was placed 3rd in the bracket. YEA! Guess what,
Matt, the steelix kid, was 6th. I had to play him... oi vea.

Round 1 of Elim round: vs. Matt with (steelix/fighting/fire)

      He was all talk this match. I snuck attacked twice, and ended his
reign... I got wiggly out turn 2 with him still asleep, and pounded away,
taking 3 prizes. He finally killed me, (because i was weak to fight) but i
sent out sneasel and finished it off. he drew no prizes, while i drew all 6!
Yea, i was off to the semis!

Semifinals: vs. Chris with (haymaker)

      Chris is a friend of mine, we drove up to the tournament together, and
i really knew i didn't want to face him til the finals... Oh well. We fought
it out, and it was a tit for tat match, but i had the upper hand the whole
match. It went like this: I ko him, he koes me, and I ko him. It was pretty

Finals: vs. Bren Gragg (yes the one who posted earlier, and yes i was
ampharos_44...) with (steelix/fighting/electric)

      He got heads on everything, while i got tails. In other words, he beat
me bad. I never drew a prize, and he got all 6.

      Well, i got 2nd. I still have never beat Bren in tournament play. I
got 10 bucks, and thought about buying a steelix. Then thought, oh well i'll
get something in boosters. I bought 3 Neo boosters and got Arcade Game, and
2 elekids... OI VEA!!!

Props: To Chris, for accepting his beating and getting 4th.
       To the tournament director for having dci tourneys every saturday.
       To everyone except my round 2 match, who played well, and never
cheated, except for the round 2 match, who shuffles his hand in when he
oaks, and evolves on first turn...
       To Chris, for being hilarious on the ride home.
       To pojo, for being cool enough to post this!
       To pojo, for being an awesome site and an awesome league! Rock on

Slops: To me, for getting 2nd AGAIN!
       To the boosters, for giving me toilet paper (which i have enuf of.)
       To bren, for being so good. (or is that a prop?)
       To me, for being a pesimist!
       To me, because i need to go now.

Thanks for reading!
Jonathan Schweppe
Please, no hate mail, viruses, or well, britney spears pictures... if you
catch my drift...