Kid About It
by Mark S Dawson
Let the Games Begin
Greenville, SC
14 Participants
Feb 17,'01
3 rounds Swiss
This deck had little thought. I threw in Sneasel cause I liked
Beat-Up and I threw in Clefable to counter all the R Zapdos out there. I
then decided to go with free retreat the balance of the way. I wanted to
play a game where I could control the battlefield and this gave me all the
options I needed.
2 Sneasel
4 Clefairy (2 base, 2 Neo)
3 Clefable (this is my answer to Tuff and Hays. This is an amazingly
strong card)
3 Gligar (free retreat and offers some protection to Clefable. Also,
it eats up Tung, Chansey, Tuff,Khan)
1 Elekid (basically, I get a chance to damage even if my active is
paralyzed. Plus he can stall a couple of turns.)
3 Oak
3 Berry (I wrote a TCG Strategy explaining these at length.
But there
2 Gold Berry main function,here, is to keep Sneasel and
Clefable fighting)
2 MasterBall (I like in evolution and low basic decks , so it
suits me perfectly here)
3 Double Gust (my de facto switch and gives me board control on
both sides. This won two battles for me)
2 Gust (more of the same)
2 Computer Search
3 Item finder
3 Energy Removal
3 Plus Power
2 Ecogym (have to have. I have no way of getting my Darks
4 Dark
10 Fist
3 DCE (Gligar and to retreat Clefable)
2 Rainbow
LET the Games Begin
Round 1 v Christian w Fire/ Electric
Did not get to see much of his deck. I saw some Blaines
Growlithe and a Magmar. I saw Electric energy but no electric Pokes. I spent
10 minutes and a total of 11 turns with him. My Clefairys did the work along
with Gligar. One note: I saw my only Gust of the day against me.
Round 2 v Bryan w Rainbow(Magmar, Wooper, Steelix, Skarmory,
Girafarig, Ditto,...)
I had a good feeling cause Bryan was 2-0 and kept running
his mouth that he "wanted me". I know from past experience that once
you get
what you want then all the pressure is on you to put up or shut up. I knew
my plan of attack was to get his Steelix and Skarmory out of the way for two
a) I never faced a Steel Pokemon before
b) I have heard stories about how Steel Pokemon were rough
once they got built.
Game1: I was doing great as I ate up a Steelix and 2 Skarmory with a
Sneasel and then Bryan threw out a Chaos Gym and that slowed me a bit. I won
going away as I then threw in the Ecogym and burned up his last two pokemon
to win 6-2 in prizes.
Game2: He was doing nothing. I made a mistake that coulda hurt as I
was over concentrating on killing a Skarmory and Steelix but then I noticed
his Base Magmar has only 50 HP so I gusted it with 3 energy on it and
metronomed so he wasted alot of time on it. Bryan fought gamely but it was
over. I took his next 3 and won 6-1. Be careful what you ask for; you just
might get it
Round 3 v ***** w Licki, and I do not remember
***** was 4-0. And he was not paying any attention. It was like
pulling teeth to get him to go. He was stalling with a Licki agin my
Clefairy but I was able to get 30 on Licki and I let him kill me just so's I
can bring up Gligar with 2 plus power and kill it.
Game2 he kept talking to others and not paying attention, I told him
twice to "concentrate on the task at hand" and " play the game in
front of
you". Then I just started playing (without telling him to watch) and
his Ditto and THEN had to explain how. So he picks up Ditto , the two energy
and a berry, puts them IN HIS HAND and THEN puts Ditto and 2 energy in the
discard. I ask him where the berry is?. He says 'you mean this?" as he
it out of his hand and then goes "Was this on Ditto?". I pick up my
cards ,
tell him nice game and that was it.
Made the playoffs
1 Game v James w/ F Magmar, Sneasel, Buzz to advance to 1st Place
I made short work of James. I think he was getting NO cards and I
took out 3 Pokes in 8 turns and he never had a chance.
FINALS v Ben w/ Steelix, Skarmory, Ditto, Cleffa
I was now confused. Cannot remember the last time I made the Final.
Ben had an interesting deck. I got crushed in game 1. I had a
Gligar, no energy and no draw cards. I used Masterball 2nd turn to get
another Gligar(only choice. I item found MasterBall and there was nothing!
this time. Still 4 turns later no Oak, no Computer Search, no nothing. I
lost. Luckily it was 2 outta 3.
Game 2. Much more favorable. I got Sneasel and a Dark early. I laid
the Ecogym. I was attacking like mad by turn 3. I got a good lead with
Clefairy and Sneasel and Ben was Oaking and Wrathing just to get back into
the game.I was ERing his Steel just to keep him at bay though I knew he was
just getting it back into his hand. He was about outta cards and I was up
5-1. He time capsuled and then played Cleffa to but some turns but I flipped
through Cleffa in four turns with Gligar, and I knew he was stalling me so I
held 13 cards in my hand and when I got down to 5 in my deck I was gonna use
metronome to buy more cards than he could. I was gonna do it with 5 left so
I had 5 chances to flip thru Cleffas Baby Power. And then go to stall him
out. And I knew he could not retreat Cleffa because I could one turn kill
anything on his bench.
That lead us to the rubber match. And this was a good one. But the
combination of cards and one well played turn by me turned it from a tough
contest to a walk. I killed a damaged(60) but powered Steelix with my
heavily damaged Sneasel but I attached a Rainbow to Sneasel to give him 40
Damage and then attached the Gold Berry so I colud clean him off and then
won enough flips with the help of a Plus Power to kill his Steelix and leave
him staring from scratch as i was powered up. The other thing that saved me
in this game was that I took notice in Game 2 of the fact that he had no
Energy Removals in his deck. This way I never played my Ecogym and that gave
me an advantage because I could take his Steel energy and not let them go
back to his hand.
Finally a 1st place finish. I won 14 bucks in store credit. I am
gonna save it up for something. Maybe a Magic theme deck. Maybe Neo2. Later