Evil Balloons
by Perry Phillips
TimeWarp comics & games,
Cedar Grove,New Jersey
February 17,2001
Pokemon League
Evil Balloons
4 Sneasel
3 Jigglypuff
2 Wigglytuff
4 Electabuzz(I dont have any TR Zapdos)
4 Bill
3 Prof.Oak
2 Prof.Elm
3 Gust of Wind
4 PlusPower
2 Eco Gym
3 Gold Berry
2 Comp.Search
2 Item Finder
2 Nightly Garbage Run
10 Electric energy
4 Darkness energy
4 Double Colorless energy
2 Rainbow energy
It took me awhile to get all the cards for this deck. I actually
finished it while at the League,so I haven't entered any tournaments
with it. That's why this is just a Pokemon League report and not an
actual tournament.
Me vs. Dan with TR Zapdos & Clefable deck
The battle started off slowly.Of course, my battles with Dan usually go
pretty slow because we are about even in skill, and we usually start
talking about other stuff.
The battle mainly went back and forth:he faints a pokemon, I faint a
pokemon,etc. Finally it got down to where I had one prize left and Dan
had two.I remembered that I had an Item Finder left in my deck. I
attached an energy to 'Buzz,then, I oaked to get that last Item Finder.I
used it to get a Gust of Wind out of my discard pile,then, I gusted for
his TR Zapdos with 40 damage on it and ThunderPunched for the win.
Me vs.Christan, also with a Sneasel deck
Christan usually beats the crap out of me.Today though, I got three
Sneasels in my opening hand.(Don't ask how)Unfortunatly,I didn't get a
single Dark energy.I was doing okay, but he powered up his TR Zapdoses
while I was still looking for some Dark energy so I could attack.In
short, he won pretty easily.
Me vs. a kid with a Water/Psy/Fire deck
I beat some of his Pokemon early on,while he fainted 1 or 2 of mine.Then
he fainted one of my Sneasels. This was because he had a Mantine which
kept using Undultate and getting heads.Finally he got tails and I beat
him with an Electabuzz to win.After this battle,I do not like Mantines
any more.
Me vs.Bradly with modified Brock deck
He was probably using his Brock deck because he had seen my Electabuzzes
in some of my early battles.The funny thing was, I think I only got out
one 'Buzz the whole game.Mostly, I just beat on his pokemon with my
Sneasels. He did take a couple prizes though because his Brock's Onix
kept paralyzing my pokemon so I couldn't attack.Eventually, Sneasel got
the best of him.
Me vs. Cristan(again)
This time, I did even worse.I started out with a lone Jigglypuff.He got
a Sneasel and something else that I dont remember.There's really not
much to say here.Sneasel, with Gold Berry vs.a Jigglypuff: you do the
math.I lost so badly it wasn't even funny.
It was an all-around good day.Also, I bought a Neo3 pack and got
Blissey,which I am happy about.