Blaine's InSaNe v2.0 (MonoFire)
By Bad Habit
Gamers Cardz (or something like that)
Phoenix, Arizona
Sunday, February 18, 2001

Hey Pojo!  Ever since I heard of the card Blaine's Magmar I wanted to build
a deck with it.  It was just an idea I tossed around, though, until I
realized that I hadn't seen a KDR about a B's Magmar deck yet.  I decided to
build one a week ago, and I finally got to go to League and use it (not to
mention sending in my first KDR).  Anyway, there weren't that many people
there, about 6, but enough to have League.  Here's the decklist:

Blaine's InSane v2.0

Pokémon: 7
4 Blaine's Magmar - the focus of the deck
3 Magmar (Fossil) - can't play 4 basics...

Energy: 41
41 Fire - about 2/3 R Energy makes for a big Lava Burst

Trainers: 12
4 Blaine - B's Magmar powered on Turn 2
3 NGR - more Lava Bursting
2 CPU - what you need, when you need it
2 Manners - stuck with a Fossil Magmar?
1 Time Capsule - see NGR

I wanted to have 4 Capsule and 0 NGR, but I only had 1 Capsule so I played
it and 3 NGR.  See the post-League (updated) version of this deck at the end
of this report.  Onto the report!

My friend and I brought 3 decks between us, and I used the extra one for a
pre-game match.

*Pre-game: Me w/Sponge vs. Brett w/Dark Muk
Opening hand: I mulligan twice, then draw 3 Buzz, 1 Mewtwo, 1 Golden Berry,
and a L Energy and a P Energy.
He has out 2 Scyther, a Grimer and a Chansey.  He retreats Scyther for
Chansey, attachs DCE and Scrunches (heads).  I ER his Chansey, attach L to
Buzz and Thundershock for 0 damage but Paralysis.  He puts G on Grimer and
evolves to Dark Muk.  I Bill and get 2 ER.  I ER Dark Muk once, attach P to
Buzz and Thunderpunch (tails).  He attaches DCE to Chansey, and SER's me (I
forget which Energy he discarded).  He then Oaks, Sneak Attacks, Bills, CPU
Searches, and Scrunches.  I draw a PlusPower.  He Scrunches (tails).  I draw
PlusPower again.  He retreats and Sludge Punches for 20 + Poison.  I Bill
and attach P to Mewtwo.  He uses ER and CPU Search, then Sludge Punches for
the KO.  I draw ER and ER Dark Muk, attach P to Mewtwo, and use E Absorption
for PP.  He ER's my Mewtwo twice, and then proceeds to beat the crap outta
me.  I don't remember the rest because I got my A kicked so badly.

Match #1: Me w/Blaine's InSaNe  vs.  Brett again.
Opening hand: B's Magmar, R(x6)
He has Cleffa.  He puts Grimer on the bench and attaches G to Cleffa.  I
attach R and Firebreathe for 20.  He evolves to DarkMuk, attaches G to it,
Potions Cleffa, Item Finders for an SER (which I think he just grabbed from
his deck since there was no way he could have had one in his discard), and
SERs me.  I put F Magmar on the bench, attach R to B's Magmar, and
Firebreathe for 20.  He Sludge Punches for 20 + Poison.  I Blaine RR onto
B's Magmar and Lava Burst...80 damage for the KO!  He sends out his lone
Cleffa and uses Eeeeeeek! (7 E's, I think.)  I declare my attack phase and
flip for the Baby flies high, bounces on the table, spins for 4-5
seconds, and...lands on HEADS!  I Lava Burst...100 damage!  I win!

Record: 1-0

Match #2: Me w/Blaine's InSaNe  vs.  Nick (Gym Leader) w/Green Wiggly
Opening hand: 2 B's Magmar, 1 F Magmar, RR, Time Capsule, NGR.
I started with B's Magmar to his...lone Scyther?!?!  I attach R and
Firebreathe for 40 due to Weakness.  He burns through half his deck, RSA's
my Trainers, gets 5 Pokémon on the bench, and retreats his Scyther for a
Ditto.  After 2 turns of Ditto vs. my B's Magmar (with only a single R
attached), he retreats Ditto, and comes out with a thumping Wiggly that
finishes off about 3 or 4 of my Pokés for the win.

Record: 1-1

Match #3: Same as #2.
Opening hand: He would no longer let me take notes during the battle, so I
don't remember all that much.
It was a simple game though, with my B's Magmar (and I think I had a F
Magmar on the bench) facing off against his lone Scyther.  I use Firebreathe
twice to take the thing out before he could get out another Pokémon.

Record: 2-1

Match #4: Same as #2.
I have a F Magmar and he has a Jiggly.  He uses Lullaby, but I awaken,
attach R to Magmar, and Smokescreen.  He then uses Pound successfully.  I
use Smog (big mistake) and he slaps 3 (THREE!!) PlusPowers down to Pound for
the win.

Record: 2-2

Match #5: Me w/Blaine's InSaNe  vs.  Bob w/Sponge.
Opening hand: 2 B's Magmar, 1 F Magmar, R(4x), CPU, and NGR (he mulliganed).
Bob was using that Sponge that I had used earlier.  I still couldn't take
notes, but I was allowed to jot down my starting hand.  Anyway, he has an
Electabuzz and I have a B's Magmar as my active.  He uses ER and SER to keep
me at bay while using a Thundershock and a Thunderpunch to bring me to 10
remaining HP.  I attach R to my benched B's Magmar and he KOs me with a
Thundershock.  I bring out the B's Magmar, CPU Search for a Blaine, Blaine
RR onto the B's Magmar, and use Lava Burst for the KO...and the WIN!

Record: 3-2

Match #6: Same as #5.
Opening hand: 1 Magmar, Blaine, and R(x5)
I don't remember much of this match.  I do remember that I was stuck with no
Energy (how the heck?!?!), a Blaine, and a CPU Search.  I couldn't do
anything, and he just pounded away with ER, SER, and Psyburn.  I stood no
chance with that huge Energy clump being at the bottom (the bottom 2/3 of
the deck, I guess :O ).  He played well though, and deserved a win.

Record: 3-3

Overall, I would say the deck did very well.  Here is the post-League
decklist, though, tweaked from the previous version:

Blaine's InSaNe  v2.1

Pokémon: 7
4 Blaine's Magmar
2 Fossil Magmar
1 Cleffa

41 R

Trainers: 12
4 Blaine
1 Time Capsule

I basically dropped the Good Manners for CPU Search (they're better) and
dropped a F Magmar for a Cleffa (Oaking purposes without the decking).
Remember that the NGR are almost proxies for Time Capsule, and that the true
deck has 4 Time Capsule and no NGR.

Thanx for your time and I truly hope that Pojo will post this, since it is
my first one, and I have waited a long time to play this deck.  (Not to
mention the fact that my hands hurt from typing this much.)

Oh yeah!  Props and Slops!


-to my deck, for performing so well on the first run.
-to my friend, for playing a Brock's Sandslash/Sneasel deck we created
together, and doing pretty well with it.
-to Gamers Cardz for holding League in Phoenix and not all the way out in
Mesa or something.
-to my friend's dad for taking us to League.
-to Wizards for making Neo, and the soon-to-come Neo 2 and 3.
-to Rare, Ltd., for making Perfect Dark and GoldenEye, the best multiplayer
games ever made.
-to, for selling good cards for cheap prices (except for
Sneasel and Darkness Energy).


-to Wiggly players all around the world.
-to Wizards for not making a Basic Darkness Energy card.
-to the DCI for being a barrel of illiterate, banana-gobbling monkeys.
-to Poké, for selling Sneasel and Darkness Energy for $5 or more
each (rip-off), and Rocket's Zapdos for too much (rip-off).

Please send all questions, comments, and deck ratings to:

Bad Habit

Feel free to send all hatemail and viruses to:

The FBI - Internet Virus Dept.