Super Stall
by Matt Gaughran
Merrit Island, Florida
February 17, 2001 Saturday
8 players

    This deck actually came to me in my sleep.  I don't really remember how, I just woke up and wanted to write this.  The tourney was held insted of the regular Pokemon Leauge.  Well enough talk here is the deck:

Super Stall

4 Chancy
4 Blissey
4 Mewtwo (basic)
4 Abra (TR)
3 Alakazam

2 Potion
2 Berry
3 Super Potion
3 Gold Berry
3 Pokemon Breeder
3 Hyper Devolution Spray
3 Devolution Spray

3 Double Colorless
19 Psychic

Hyper Devolution Spray
type: trainer
effect: Choose 1 evolved Pokemon and return the top evolution card to your hand. (You cannot evolve that Pokemon during this turn.)

Type: colorless
Lv. 62 Hp: 120
Retreat Cost: 2
Weakness: Fighting
Resistance: Psychic(-30)
Pokemon Power: Softboiled: When you play this card from your hand, you may remove 4 damage counters from Blissey. Then flip a coin, if heads, remove 4 more damage counters from Blissey.
[CCCC] Body Slam (30): Flip a coin, if heads, the defending Pokemon is Paralyzed.

The idea of this deck is to get a Blissey in my hand with a couple of HDSs and a Chancey active. Then just stall the heck out of your opponet.

Round 1
me vs. Nick w/ Starter deck
    I started off with an Abra active 3 psychic energies, a PKMN Breeder, an Alakazam and a Berry.  He had a Machop and no energies.  I was really lucky on flipping heads because I kept getting heads.  I beat him due to no basics.


Round 2
me vs. John w/ Psychic Haymaker  (semi-finals)
    This kid was pretty good. Although he had a MP Mewtwo and I had a Chancey, w/ a DCE on it. Finally I got a Blissey and some HDSs, and it was down hill for him.  He decked himself.

Round 3
me vs. Amanda w/ Fire and Ice  (finals)
    She was pretty tough but, I eventually won.  I don't really remember what happened this round because it was a tence battle.  I do remember that it involved decking her, though.

I got 10 packs of cards and most of them were Neo Genesis. I got a Murkrow, Skarmory, Togetic, Energy Charge, Mary, Darkness Energy, and an Elekid.  Also a Chansey, a Flareon, and a Mr. Mime.

Now for:
Props and Slops

Props to the gym leader for letting me play Japanese cards.
Props to Blissey and the sweet cards I got from the packs.
Props to sleep.
And last but certinaly not least, props to Pojo for a killer web sight and magasine.

Slops to me for not rembering the last battle.

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