Riptide vomega(straight water)
By Jon( Tribal)Logan
Sarges comics
New London,CT

Okay this is my first really good deck it was built back in the fossil days
so it was a little old fashioned but it's been renovated, it breaks all kinds
of Scotts rules and maybe one of the weirder deck mechanics  like ness might
get the concept. I myself am a deck mechanic for 3 websites. so check it out  


3 Squirtle(R)
3 Blastoise
3 Chansey(base)
3 Articuno(Movie Promo)
3 Misty's poliwag(Gym Heroes)
3 Misty's poliwhirl(Gym Heroes)
3 Lapras(fossil)

4 Breeder
2 Nightly GarbadgeRun
3 Oak
2 Comp. Search

3 Plus power
2 Poke'mon center

20 water energy
3 full heal energy

Round 1

v.s. Chad

right from the start he was screwed. 4 charmanders to start with I had a
squirtle as the active and two benced lapras. I had a blastiose, breeder,
and oak in ,my hand. wiped the floor with a 2nd turn Blastiose. perfect
raindance victory.

Round 2

v.s justin
He scared the smack out of me with a seconed turn fossil raichu.  
Unfortunately he was power drained no energy what so ever. My articuno
finished him off turn 4.

Round 3

v.s Riegahn
Two words, base.magmar seconed turn Blastiose...

Round 4

v.s screwy machamp deck
low powerd rocket machaps couldn't take  the big damage that my poliwhirls
were putting out he played a machoke but could'nt get them powerd up in time.
i won

Round 5

v.s patrick
this match we both started off with chanseys i double edged turn 2 because of
DCE i put a seel on the bench and attached water energy.
he played a shellder and passed. i out another energy on seel and succesfully
scrunched. he removed my chansey's energy and passed.
i attached water to seel and evolved to dewgong. he then potioned his chansey
and told me to go. i pulled a water and attached it to chansey retreated and
finished off his chansey with dewgong i picked my prize and it was a comp
search.he played a lapras and told me to go i pulled a plus power.  i played
a plus power and comp searched for an oak. if i could get the other two plus
powers i could finish the game next turn. i got them played them down and
aroura beamed for eighty. next turn i finished off his shellder winning the

Round 6

V.S .Rick wonder
i could'nt stand up to his speed like me he was playing a raindance
approprietly named sea blast.he brought out a fully powered gyradoes against
my poliwag i had no chance.

well my first placed slot was tied with rick but i won because of win
percentadge so good luck with this deck.

props to rick for beating down my ego and slops to me for having an ego in
the first place.
