Sicko Powers
by: Omnislash84
Serene Center, Singapore
31st March 2001
40+ People
I wanted to play this deck because I have
playtested on apprentice a lot of times and I have won several smaller scale
tourneys with this. It was inspired by Bomiester, the creator of decks such as
Occult, Sic and Sloccult. Anyway, the deck:
Sicko Powers
19 Pokemon
3 Jungle Oddish
3 Dark Vileplume
3 Cleffa
3 Sneasel
2 Rocket's scyther
2 Scyther
2 Murkrow
1 Brock's Mankey
23 Trainers
4 oak
4 cpu
3 Bill
3 Breeder
3 lass
2 Trader
2 Gust Of wind
2 Sprout Tower
18 energy
7 Grass
4 dark
3 Rainbow
Strategy is to use the cleffa/lass combo while
having an oddish benched...I'll get cleffa/Lass about 95% of the time due to
the amount of card drawing and manipulation that I have. Then on the second
turn, breeder it to Dark Vileplume. Therefore, the opponent has 1 turn to play
trainers and most likely, they will not topdeck and therefore, I'll breeder to
dark plume next turn. It may sound difficult but with all my card drawing and
manipulation, it's very likely.
First Round:
Me vs. Psychic Deck
1st Game:
Cleffa/Lass combo worked. He was able to paralyze
my cleffa a few times with his abra though. But that only gave me a little
setback and I just evolved to Dark Vileplume and Beat up via Sneasel for the
2nd Game:
Generally about the same as described above. I got Dark Vilplume
early. And finished the game fast.
Second Round:
Me vs. Sneasel Trapper
1st Game:
This guy was playing on the same table as me in
the previous game so I already knew what to expect, and he knew what to expect
from me. He started first and used a few Erika's, I refused to draw since I
knew he was gonna trap me anyway and if it was unsuccessful, I HAD to use
Cleffa to eeeeek! anyway cause I had a Lass in my hand. He trapped me
succesfully. However, he flipped tails on Baby. On my turn, I got an energy,
attached and eeeeeeek!ed to get a new hand. He attached a dark energy to
sneasel, and proceded to beat up, but got tails again. Then, on my turn I
placed an oddish, Lass and eeeek! Making him shuffling his Oak and other
trainers into his deck. Several turns later, I was able to use Murkrow to mean
look his cleffa and feint attacked his bench. I had to flip for baby power
though. I got 3 prizes with Murkrow, and cleaned his bench for 2 more prizes
by Sneasel. I won because he has no more pokemon on the bench.
2nd game:
I started first, placed an oddish and cleffa/lass immediately, Wrecked most of
his hand while I got a brand new one. I gusted out an MP mewtwo, Breedered to
Dark Vileplume and feint attacked the bench. I later cleaned on his pokemon
with R scyther and Sneasel.
After the match, he shaked my hand, and wished me
luck for the rest of the tourney. What a nice man!
Third Round:
Me vs. Psychic Deck
1st Game:
I'm seeing a lot of psychic decks today...I'm not
sure why. Anyway, I didn't rememver most of this match except that I got
Vileplume out early and cleaned his bench with my Beat Ups and Blinding
2nd Game:
I made a mistake in the late game not to place
murkrow as his active was a Mr.mime, I already had a Dark Vileplume on the
bench. So if I mean looked a Mr. Mime, he can't attack me due to resistance of
Murkrow, and he can't retreat or play trainers. So basically, he's stuck. So,
I decided to let him kill my R scyther to make room for my Murkrow which later
mean looked it and proceded to feint attack his bench. He conceded shortly
Fourth Round:
Me vs. Rocket's Zapdos Trapper
1st Game: trap immediately. ANd he proceded
beating my low hp basics with his Rocket's Zapdos and Chansey. Chansey's an
awesome attacker by the way. I don't know why so many people use him to stall.
2nd Game:
I got the cleffa/Lass combo and an oddish on the
bench by turn 1. Dark Vileplume by turn 2, and used Shadow images. He tried to
stall as his active was a lone Chansey and scrunched without
success. I used BLinding Scythe on 3 consecutive turns for the win. He didn't
draw anymore pokemon.
3rd Game:
He started first. Trapped me. And it was
more or less a lot like the first game. I couldn't recover.
Final Round:
Me vs. Clefable/Haymaker
1st Round:
I was lucky not to lose via FTK. My lone cleffa
against his Hitmonchan with Pluspower. The baby power definitely helped. Next
turn, I gusted out something...I couldn't remember, used Lass, placed an
oddish on the bench and eeeeeeek! to get a new hand. His hand was wrecked and
he just attached an energy and tried to attack me. I can't remember much
except that I cleaned his bench using Sneasels for Electabuzzes, Scythers and
R scythers handled Hitmonchan and Clefable. I won by prizes.
2nd Game:
I lost in the early game and was down by prizes. I had a sneasel on the bench,
1 Scyther, 1 R Scyther, 1 Brock's Mankey, 1 Dark PLume, and my active was a
Sneasel. Luckily I thought of retreating my R scyther and Scyther back and
fourth, Blinding Scythe, Slash for 70 damage killing 1 of his pokemon, to
preserve my sneasels when I would really need them. I did this 4 times and we
were levelled. He conceded later.
Well, that's how the tournament ended. I got 2nd
place...and walked away with crappy prizes, I got 1 FOIL Promo Mew (which has
no value) 1 MP Mewtwo, 1 Team Rocket Booster (1st ed) and 1 Neo (1st ed)
Not to shabby I guess...
....Bomiester, a Great inspirational character
....Everybody in the message boards, I've learnt much
....None. See? I'm such a nice person.
Email me to talk or if you wanna get a deck fixed.
I've done this countless times at the message boards.