Transforming Sneasel (Fire/Darkness Deck)
A deck by Alex Scott
Toys R' Us Pokemon League
Missouri City, TX
Saturday, April 7, 2001
At least 12 people there.

Pokemon (25)

4 Sneasel
1 Cleffa (Neo:Genesis)
1 Cleffa (Promo # 31)
1 Magby
1 Brock's Vulpix (Gym:Heroes)
2 Brock's Vulpix (Gym:Challenge)
2 Brock's Ninetales
3 Growlithe
3 Arcanine
1 Quilava Lv. 35
2 Ninetales
2 Clefable
1 Dk. Charizard
1 Blaine's Ninetales

Energy (21)

15 Fire
2 Darkness
3 Rainbow
1 Recycle

Trainers (14)

4 Bill
1 Brock's Training Method
2 CPU Search
1 Master Ball
3 Oak
2 Trash Exchange

I'll go on a brief rundown of the cards of this deck:

Sneasel: A main attacker. It's hard to get these
powered up for Beat Up, but I manage to get some

Cleffa: The Neo one gives me a new hand while the
promo is like a reusable Bill. Both stall.

Magby: Mainly for stall.

Brock's Vulpix: For evolution.

Brock's Ninetales: Good attack and really useful Poke

Growlithe: For evolution.

Arcanine: This big dog can rarely be stopped and has
good attacks.

Quilava Lv. 35: Mainly to evolve from Brock's
Ninetales for Char.

Ninetales: Evolution from Brock's counterpart and to
do heavy damage. Also lures out Dk Vileplume.

Clefable: BN evolution and Metronome.

Dk Charizard: Heavy damage with BN.

Blaine's Ninetales: Quick and heavy damage.

Fire: Do I really have to tell you???

Darkness: Ditto. Also, I only had 2.

Rainbow: Ditto again. I only had 3.

Recycle Energy: For Cleffa.

Bill: Quick card drawing.

Brock's Training Method: To get the Ninetales out

CPU Search: To get that all-important card from my

Master Ball: I need Pokemon.

NGR: Recharge my deck.

Oak: Dump my old hand, get a new one.

Trash Exchange: Gets back Darkness, Rainbow, and some

So, basically my strategy is to power up Sneasel,
Arcanine, and Ninetales while using Cleffa to stall
and get my Pokemon.

Game 1
Me vs. young kid with Fire deck.

This starts out well. My opening hand had 3 Sneasel
and 2 Darkness. He only got Entei MP. I stall with one
Sneasel while building up another. He gets his Entei
powered up and KOs Sneasel with a PlusPower. I send
out my powered Sneasel. I use Beat Up. He flips for
Bolt. Heads. Entei goes back into the deck and I win!
They were sure I would lose.
Record: 1-0

Game 2
Me vs. the same person.

This didn't count on our badge books because we played
sudden death. I got Sneasel turn 2 and won.
Record: 2-0

Game 3
Me vs. person with Wiggly deck.

This person said his Wiggly deck wasn't going to be
back until next week. He lied and said it couldn't get
a flight then. Anyways, I lost this. His Electabuzz
and Wiggly beat me good, along with Ditto using Beat
Record: 2-1

Game 4
Me vs. chubby guy using a deck he called Xerox 2, or
something like that. (I have to learn these peoples
names... :\)

This was tough. Our game lasted about 45 minutes. He
ERed my Darkness on turn 1. We battled a while KOing
his Electabuzz and  him KOing my Pokemon. At one
point, my Dk Charizard almost KOed his Electabuzz, but
he retreated for Magby and beat it. His Clefable Beat
Up my Sneasel. I used assorted Pokemon to KO his.
Eventually, it was down to 1 prize a person. My
active: Brock's Ninetales. His active: Clefable. Both
have 30 damage. I had Growlithe and Quilava in my
hand. I draw a card. Fire energy!!!! I play Fire on
Ninetales and evolve it to Quilava. I use Char.
Clefable now has 60 and a Char counter. He drew a GOW.
It came down to the Char counter coin flip. Heads, he
Gusted out my Sneasel and used Beat Up, tails he gets
KOed by the Char counter. The coin lands. TAILS!!!! I
WON!!! I yelled out in the entire league: "TAILS!!!! I
WON FROM A CHAR COUNTER!!! YEAH!!!" When you yell out
in a crowded Employees Only room for a Pokemon league,
you're bound to get noticed...
Record: 3-1

Game 5
Me vs. Jeremy, the Gym Leader(I actually know his
name! ^_^)

He leads with Ditto. I have Sneasel. I go first. I
attach Darkness to Sneasel. Fury Swipes. 30. He uses
ER, plays DCE, and does 20 with Beat Up. He only had
Squirtle benched. I use Trash Exchange, put Darkness
back in, play Fire on Cleffa promo, retreat, and use
Eek. This is where we were confused. First we argued
over whether I needed to flip for Eek. Then I flip and
get Tails, putting the 2 cards back. Then he uses Eek
and gets heads. Then, we realize Ditto was KOed!!! So
he puts out Squirtle and puts his 2 cards back. Now we
get back on track. I draw, then use Eek. He passes. I
use Darkness on Sneasel, which I did last turn. I
retreat for Sneasel. My bench was full, and I
repeatedly Beat Up for a win.
Record: 4-1

Game 6
Me vs. kid with rainbow deck.

He led with Miltank. I had Sneasel, with 2 benched. I
end up getting Cleffa on the bench. I put energy on
it. Right before he gets his Miltank powered up, I
send out Cleffa and Eeeeeeek. While stalling with
Cleffa, I get a Sneasel powered and fill my bench. I
retreat next turn and exterminate Miltank with
Sneasel. Here comes the annoying part. He repeatedly
uses Bubble on Squirtle and Paralyzes me and kills it.
By then I get another powered up and finish him off
with it.
Record: 5-1

That's all the time we had. Now for props and slops:

Winning 5 out of 6.
Getting some good trades.
Getting my Hive Badge finally.
Getting free reverse-holographic Pichu a week early
without doing the activity. The Gym Leader didn't want
to bother with the crossword puzzles.
The irony of me beating the MP Entei when the little
kids said I couldnt win. :D

Toys R' Us not having booster packs. However, later at
Baseball Fever I got 2 Neo boosters and got holo
Slowking and Ecogym!!!

If you wanna comment my deck, send me free Pokemon
cards, give me Simpsons stuff, give me Pizza stuff, or
if your name is Rebecca Jensen, e-mail me at