Muk's World
by Brent Galietti
Toys R Us
Coral Springs, Florida
Hey what's up! Last Saturday, I particpated in a Pokemon Tournament. It was a
double-elimination style. I overheard the Gym Leaders talking and saying that
this tourney had the most amount of people ever! How many? How does 64 sound?
Since 64 is divsible by 2, the tournament ended up just like the NCAA
Basketball Tournament (I knew Duke would win). Anyway, I'm getting of track,
so let's just get to my deck.
Muk's World
Pokemon: (18)
4 Grimer (Fossil)
4 Dark Muk
4 Rocket's Scyther
4 Scyther
2 Chansey
Trainers: (24)
3 Oak
4 Bill
3 CPU Search
4 Energy Removal
4 Super Energy Removal
3 Nightly Garbage Run
3 Gold Berry
Energy: (18)
12 Grass
4 Darkness
My deck obviously is based around Dark Muk and Energy Disruption. However,
Dark Muk's not coming in quickly. So Rocket's Scyther and Scyther will ruin
your opponent while you search for Dark Muk. Chansey will stall in case your
in trouble. Once Dark Muk is in play, attaching Darkness Energy plus ER'ing
spelled disaster for many. Anyway, here's how the deck did.
Round 1: vs Dan with a Wigglytuff Deck
My opening hand was a Grimer, 2 Rocket's Scyther, CPU Search, 2 Grass, and 1
Darkness. I won the flip and started out with a Rocket's Scyther against his
lone Jigglypuff. I attached Grass Energy and used Shadow Images. He attached
a DCE, but missed with Pound. I drew Dark Muk. I attached Grass Energy to
Grimer and passed. He got 4 Pokemon on his Bench with a Wigglytuff and attach
Psychic to it. But he missed because of Shadow Images. I evolved into Dark
Muk and attached Grass. He got a 5th Benched Pokemon and missed me again!
attached Darkness, retreated for Dark Muk and Sludge Punched. He retreated,
(stupid) and sent out Weepinbell. From there it was academic.
Round 2: vs Carla with Lightning-Fighting deck
This deck has always had trouble with this deck. Opening hand was a Scyther,
Grimer, Dark Muk, 2 Grass, and 2 Darkness. I won the flip and started with
Grimer against her 60 HP promo Pikachu and a Benched Ditto (???). I would
have made it active. Anyway first turn Paralyis with Nasty Goo fell upon the
electric rat. She attached Lightning Energy and passed. I evolved, played a
Grass and Sludge Punched. With 20 HP left, she retreated and played Ditto. Uh
oh! Lucky for me, she only had 1 Energy. I ER'ed it off. and I attached
Darkness and attacked for 30 + 10 Poison Damage. She passed. I attached
Darkness and beat Ditto. She brought out Pikachu, but it was too late. She
had no Energy, and I beat her.
Round 3: (Sweet 16) vs Ron with Wigglytuff/Trap
OK, this was fast. He only had a Jigglypuff. I had 2 Rocket's Scyther I
attached Grass and used Shadow Images. He passed. I attached DCE and used
Blinding Scythe. Then did it again next turn for the win.
Round 4: (Great 8) vs Dan (not the one from Round 1) with Venasaur Deck
He won the flip (1st time I lost it) and he started with Bulbasaur against my
Scyther. Attached Grass then passed. I attached Grass and used Swords Dance.
He used Leech Seed, but it didn't matter because he had no Bench. I slashed
for the win.
Round 5: (Final 4) vs Katie with Sneasel
I must admit, she is the best girl player I've seen play. She started with
Sneasel and a Rocket's Zapdos (Gulp) while I started with a Rocket's Scyther
and 2 benched Grimer. I won the flip and used Shadow Images. Her Fury Swipes
got through, but she only did 10 damage. I attached Grass to Grimer and used
Shadow Images. She got a full Bench (yipe!) but Beat Up didn’t make it
through Shadow Images. Over the next few turns, Katie couldn’t KO Rocket’s
Scyther, I got 3 Darkness and attached them to Dark Muk, and I brought him
out to KO Sneasel. The rest is predictable. Dark Muk pounds Pokemon, while
Rocket’s Scyther took over after he was KOed.
Round 6: (Finals) vs Chad with a Ghost deck
He went first and failed Paralyzing Rocket’s Scyther. I used Shadow Images
while getting my Grimer ready. He was actually flipping good and KOed
Rocket’s Scyther. But Dark Muk was ready to destroy the ghosts with 4
Darkness Energy. The rest is predictable. Dark Muk pounds Pokemon, while
Rocket’s Scyther took over after he was KOed.
So I get 1st Place! I recieved 15 1st Edition Neo Genesis Packs. I got a few
Cleffas. I think I’ll replace the Chanseys with them.
So long!
Brent Galietti