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Killer Deck Reports - May 2001
Cries in the Dark v11.7
Ryan Cimera
Broomfeild, Colorado (Qualifiers)
Saturday, May 19th, 2001>
About 30 players in my age group
I _never_ thought I would get anywhere close to winning when I heard this was a single elimination tournament, and lost my first game.
_-`~Cries in the Dark~`-_
Pokemon (21):
4x Scyther
3x Sneasel
3x Cleffa (Neo Genesis)
3x Clefairy (Base)
3x Clefable
2x Magby
3x Murkrow
Trainers (23):
4x Gold Berry
3x No Removal Gym
4x PlusPower
3x Professor Oak
3x Lass
3x Gust of Wind
3x Computer Search
Energies (16):
4x Recycle
4x Double Colorless
4x Darkness
4x Rainbow
Tournament Layout
Game 1: Me with Cries in the Dark VS. Muk007 with DarkMuk/FossilMuk/Sneasel
I won the coin flip.
I didn't have a chance against his Dark Muk, or his Sneasels!
Win-Loss Ratio: 0 to 1
I was out of that part, I started over after lunch though!
SECOND Tournament Layout of the day
Game 1: Me with Cries in the Dark VS. ??? with ???
I won the coin flip.
I played a kid's deck, he was killed quite easily with my Murkrow lock.
Win-Loss Ratio: 1 to 0
Game 2: Me with Cries in the Dark VS. ??? with Dark Machamp (Fling)/lots of Fighting
I won the coin flip.
I just 0wned him with my scythers.. Actually murkrow won the game after I killed Dark Machamp. I mean looked a (Rocket) Mankey!
Win-Loss Ratio: 2 to 0
Game 3: Me with Cries in the Dark VS. Kid at Pokémon League with Feraligatr Deck
I won the coin flip.
I tell him i'll first turn k0. I attach a PlusPower to sneasel, then I oak.
I get a darkness energy, 2 pluspower, no removal gym, a computer search, and 2 other cards.
I attach the darkness energy to Sneasel, attach the 2 other pluspower to sneasel, and I computer search for fun, get another pluspower.
I use fury swipes. Flip, Heads. I won easily against his totodile (50 HP), doing 60 damage on the first turn with 1 heads. (Poor kid)
Win-Loss Ratio: 3 to 0
Game 4: Me with Cries in the Dark VS. Micheal Perucca with Rocket's Zapdos/Electabuzz
I won the coin flip.
I start with a cleffa, a base clefairy, a murkrow, and Sneasel.
I attach energy to clefairy, send out scyther. He uses plasma for 20, after attaching gold berry.
I retreat, send out clefairy, add DCE to clefairy, and use electroburn.
He sends out Electabuzz, 10 and no PARA. I evolve to clefable, and I gust of wind out his other rocket's Zapdos, k0.
He does 30 to me, and gold berry takes it off. I attach 3 pluspowers and attach a darkness energy, k0 I win. (Wow! Won against #12 in the World)
Win-Loss Ratio: 4 to 0
Game 5: Me with Cries in the Dark VS. ??? with Sneasel/Wiggly/Rocket's Snorlax
He won the coin flip.
I had a Cleffa active, and a sneasel benched. I eeeeeeek (with a recycle attached to cleffa) and get a clefairy/clefable.
He tries to stall with Rocket's Snorlax and power his Wiggly/Sneasel, though I was faster in powering my sneasel/murkrow.
I finally kill his Rocket's Snorlax with Murkrow, he does 20 damage to murkrow with jiggly, then I kill of his bench and stuff.
Quite sad, this kid thinks stealing coins/stampers/cards/decks and also calling people "stallers" for using murkrow is alright. Shame on him!
Win-Loss Ratio: 5 to 0
Game 6: Me with Cries in the Dark VS. ???? with Electabuzz/Gligar "Haymaker"
I won the coin flip.
I attach a Double Colorless Energy to Scyther. I have a computer search, 3 pluspowers, and 2 clefable left in my hand.
He had a Gligar benched, and an Electabuzz active. He attaches a lightning energy to electabuzz and uses thundershock for 10 damage and no paralyze.
I attach a darkness energy to scyther (from the cpu search), and I attach 3 (he was surprised!) pluspower for the k0.
He draws. Bills, gets nothing. He attaches DCE to gligar, and uses slash for nothing.
I use slash and win.
Win-Loss Ratio: 6 to 0
Props and Slops
to (almost)Everyone for using Rocket's Zapdos/weak to clefable pokemon!
to the internet for giving the ability to meet people and to learn.
to Bad People for Stealing my friend's Deck!
to Judge for almost finaling a bad ruling about rainbow energy not counting as the Type "Darkness"!
to Kid's with no sportsmanship for being a poor sport.
My information:
Ryan J. Cimera
IRC and AIM nicknames: Kakkaroto7
Feal free to mail me hate, praise, questions, and
comments at Kakkaroto7@hotmail.com
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