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Killer Deck Reports - May 2001

Dark Deeds (Dark/Psychic/Fighting)
by Jeremy Elliott
STS qualifier
Sunset Ballroom
Wichita, Kansas
Saturday, May 12th, 2001
64 total participants

This is my first killer deck report. I only used this deck a few times 
before this tournament. Well enough about me, here is my deck:

Dark Deeds:
3 sneasel
1 murkrow
1 ditto
2 dark machamp
2 dark machoke
3 machop (TR)
2 dark hypno
3 drowzee (TR)
2 dark golduck
3 psyduck (TR)
1 hitmonchan
1 here comes team rocket!
1 pokemon trader
1 energy flow
1 the boss's way
1 proffessor elm
1 bill
1 gold berry
1 berry
1 ecogym
4 darkness energy
9 fighting energy
12 psychic energy

The deck I guess did ok in the tournament. I used this throughout the 
entire game.
I placed 32nd in the game. I am writing this a week after the tournament, but 
I still remember most of it. Here are my results:

Round 1 vs. a kid with a Elec/Psy deck
This match went by pretty fast. I started off with a Gligar and he started 
with a Mareep. I got first attack and poisoned his Mareep. He drew no energys 
and his Mareep was knocked out by the poison. He sent out a Pikachu and I 
took him out. He had no pokemon left and I won.

Round 2 vs. another kid with a Elec/Psy deck
The match started with him getting first attack and starting with a Mewtwo. 
He also did not draw any energies. I started with a Machop and attached and 
energy. Then I passed my turn. He still did not draw any energies and then he 
passed. I attached an energy and evolved into Dark Machoke and I also 
attached a Berry to him. I passed my turn. He drew one energy and attached it 
to a Pikachu on his bench. He passed his turn also. I drew a The Boss's Way 
and drew a Dark Machamp. I attached an energy and attacked with Fling. I took 
out the rest of his pokemon with Dark Machamp in a few turns and I won.

Round 3 vs. Nick Moss (placed 2nd in tourney)
This match was pretty bad. I got first attack and started with a Sneasel. I 
attached a Darkness energy to him and attacked his Sneasel with Fury Swipes. 
He started his turn and placed a Rocket's Zapdos on the bench. He placed a 
Darkness energy on Sneasel and attacked me with Fury Swipes. I placed another 
Darkness energy and took out his Sneasel with Beat Up. Then he sent out his 
Jigglypuff and and evolved it into Wigglytuff. He attached a Double Colorless 
energy to it and also placed a Cleffa on the bench. He passed. I placed an 
energy on the Machop on my bench. I also evolved the Machop into Dark 
Machoke. Then I attacked with Beat Up and got all tails. He attached another 
energy on Wigglytuff and took out my Sneasel. I sent out Dark Machoke and 
evolved him into Dark Machamp. I attached an energy to him and attacked with 
Mega Punch. He used a Challenge and I accepted. He filled his bench and 
attacked with Do The Wave and took out my Dark Machamp. He took out the rest 
of my Pokemon in a couple turns and he won.

Round 4 vs. a kid with a Elec/Dark deck
This was my worst match, it was over in a couple turns. I started with only 
Murkrow and no pokemon or energies. I passed. He started with 2 Electabuzzs. 
He attached an energy to it and used thundershock and paralyzed Murkrow. I 
got an energy and attached it to Murkrow. I passed. He attached another enrgy 
to Electabuzz and took out my Murkrow with Thunderpunch. I had no more 
pokemon and he won.

Round 5 vs. a kid with a Grass deck
This matck was pretty awful also. I started with a Machop and he started with 
a Chikorita lv.19. I got first attack and attached an energy to Machop. I 
used long-distance hypnosis with Drowzee on the bench. It worked but he woke 
up between turns. He attached an energy to Chikorita and attacked with Growl. 
I attached another energy to Machop and used Punch. He attached another 
energy to Chikorita and used Razor Leaf. I had no energies in my hand so I 
attacked with Punch again. He evolved Chikorita into Bayleef lv.39 and 
attached an energy to him. He used a Potion and attacked with Double Razor 
Leaf but got both tails. I evolved Machop into Dark Machoke but and attached 
an energy to him but passed. He used Double Razor Leaf again but got 1 heads. 
I then evolved into Dark Machamp and used Mega Punch. He used Double Razor 
Leaf and took out my Dark Machamp. In a few turns his Bayleef took out the 
rest of my pokemon and won.
2-3 (boo!)

Final Round vs. a guy with a Water deck
This was one of my easier matches. I started with a Machop (again!) but 
attached a Darkness energy to Sneasel on my bench. I passed. He started with 
a Misty's Horsea and attached an energy to it. and used Tackle. I attached 
another Darkness energy to Sneasel and passed. He attached another energy to 
Misty's Horsea and used Smokescreen. I then attached an energy to Machop and 
retreated to Sneasel and attacked with Beat Up. I pretty much took out the 
rest of his pokemon with Sneasel and I won.

I did not win anything but I tried. Better luck next time?

Props to Nick Mobbs (good battle) and to the tour for stopping at Wichita and 
also to the kid with grass deck.
Slops to the kid with the Electabuzzs and to Murkrow (you stink).

Jeremy Elliott

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