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Killer Deck Reports - May 2001

From:      Raynegod@cs.com
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 18:17:04 EDT
Subject: sts qualifier report

Flatiron Crossing, Broomfield, Colorado,The STS Qualifier
About 125 people in 14 and under (that is what I was in)

A few days ago I went to the STS qualifier in Broomfield, Colorado. I did pretty well, and here’s the deck:


4 Electabuzz
2 Rocket’s Zapdos
2 Base Mewtwo
2 Movie Promo Mewtwo
2 Jungle Mr.Mime


4 Item Finder
4 Pluspower
4 Comp. Search
4 Bill
4 Gold Berry


12 Psychic Energy
14 Electric Energy

1st Round

ZapHaymaker vs. Wooper and Squirtle combo??  This kid was only 11, turning 12, and while I was in line waiting to register, he was right beside me, his tote box full of about 12 decks, and his mom babying him because all of the “bigger kids” had cut in front of him, wa,wa,wa.

This battle was pretty quick. He started with a Squirtle, Wooper on bench, me a lone Electabuzz.

I went first. I attached Electric to Electabuzz and Shocked for 20, no paralysis.

He attached a Water to Squirtle and Bubbled me for 10 with no paralysis.  I attached psychic to Buzz, Shocked for 20 and KOed. He sent out a Wooper and did Amnesia for my Punch. My turn, draw a pluspower, I retreat Buzz and put in Mime. I attached Plus and did Meditate for 20. He gusted back my Buzz and kept Slammin’ it until its eyes fell out.

I send out Mime, Meditate, KOed his Wooper, he sends out Squirtle and passes.  I draw a Buzz, put Electric on Buzz, and pass ( I pass because he had SER’ed my Mime)

He draws, no Energy, passes. I draw, get Psychic, slam it on Buzz, pass. He draws, gets Water, attaches it to Squirt, Bubbled me for no paralysis. I drew, attached, retreated, Buzz active, Punched for 60 damage. Dead. Gone. Pushin’ up the daisies. He had no bench so I won!


2nd Round

ZapHaymaker vs. Charmander deck???

This battle was so quick!

He starts with lone Charmander, me a Rocket’s Zapdos.  He goes first, scratched. Ouch that hurts. I draw a pluspower. Attach Electric to Zapdos, plasma for 20. He draws, attaches fire to Char and Embers me. I draw, attach pluspower to Rocket’s Zapdos and plasmaed for 30, killing his Charmander and since he had absolutely no bench at all, I won.


3rd Round

ZapHaymaker vs. Sabrina’s Alakazam deck

This battle took about 15 mins.

I start with a Rockets Zapdos, Buzz on bench, and him a Base Abra and a Sabrina’s Abra.

I go first. Draw, Bill, 2 Electric, attach one to Zapdos and Computer Search for a MP Mewtwo.

I put MP Mewtwo on bench, Plasma for 20. He attaches Psychic to Sabrina’s Abra and passes.

I draw, attach Electric to Zapdos, now having 3 Electric on him, and then I Plasma for 20 and KO his Abra. He draws a Rockets Mewtwo, puts on bench, and then evolves his Sabrina’s Abra, and attacks me with Life Drain but it fails.

My turn, attach Psychic to Mr.Mime, and Plasma for 20.  His turn. He draws a Psychic Energy and attaches it to Sabrina’s Alakazam ( he evolved), and attacks me with Mega Burn. ( I only have 20 on me now because I used Gold Berry).

I draw a Pluspower, attach Psychic to Zapdos, attach Plus to Zapdos, attach Gold Berry to Zapdos, and Burn him, he’s KOed. He sends out Rocket’s Mewtwo and Juxtapose’s me( that is such a strange name). But it fails.  I draw an Item Finder, Item Find for Plus, attach it to Rockets and KO the Mewtwo.

He sends out Sabrina’s Abra and a Mr. Mime on bench. He then kept on stalling to build up his Mime, then send him out and he thinks that he would kill all of my Pokemon, but lets just see how that would work out, shall we?  On the next 3 turns, I just kept building up my Rockets Zapdos on bench( I have two).

Finally he takes his turn and retreats his Abra, sends out Mime to Ko my Zapdos. I send out Zapdos, attach Psychic energy ( he now has 4 energy attached) and Plasma his Mime ( by the way, I now have only 1 prize left). He SER’ed my Zapdos, then retreated his Mime to a Rocket’s Mewtwo and Juxtapose’s me but it fails. I draw a ................GOW! I gust back his Mime, and Plasma it for the win!


4th Round, Final Qualifiers

I don’t remember anything from this round except that he only had a Cyndaquil and I Plasmaed it twice with a pluspower for the win.


Whew, in the finals. Since it is still 1.5 hours awqay from the finals, I take a long trip to the bathroom and go to Panda Express for lunch. Have any of you ever had Orange Flavored Chicken? It is so good! By the way, I got 24 packs for getting in the finals plus a shirt and a hat, and guess what? In the 24 packs, NO $&*(*%*()(*&%$ Metal Energy!  Now, the battle. Glad I got all of that anger out of me. FREAK!

1st Round in Finals, 16 Kids.

I faced this guy really quick I got a Buzz out, and Thunderpunched his Scyther twice for the win.

By the way, this guy had no Bench, and he layed a RSE down and didn’t search for a basic!

Okay, now this is really dumb.

The MasterTrainers were hosting the finals and then they said that they had a “computer problem”, where they matched different people with different people, and they said that we had to cancel our original battle and battle a new guy. I was ticked. I asked why they had to switch the pairings up when they were randomly selected anyways, they never gave me a complete explanation.

“ Julie was supposed to be with Joe Schmoe..”


“That’s just the way it is supposed to be.”

Well, anyways, I lost to this 14 year old who ran a very good Raindance deck and I lost by 1 prize  (if anyone knows how I can bash wizards, E-mail me at bottom).

Slops and props:

Slops to Wizards for canceling our battle

Slops to that kid that beat me

Props to that kid that beat me

Props to getting a hat, T-shirt, and 28 packs

Definite Slops to someone online that told me to take out a switch for a GOW( I could’ve won in League For a Day)

DEFINITE Props to my Dad for taking me 75 miles and then picking me up

Know how to bash Wizards? Email me at Raynegod@cs.com


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