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Killer Deck Reports - May 2001

WWF Smackdown (Colorless)
by Devin "Dr. D" Peltier-Robson
Monona Community Center (STS Qualifier)
Monona, Wisconsin
Saturday, May 5th, 2001
About 37 participants

Well, I've been training this deck for a long time before going there. We were planning
it weeks in advance. I usually play at Tomorrow is Yesterday in Rockford Illinois. There's
a lot of top-ranked players there, and Jason "Ness" Klaczynski comes there sometimes.
The deck had a record of 79-16 and has beaten about everyone at Tomorrow is
Yesterday (except Ness). My mom, who happens to be a Judge at Tomorrow is Yesterday,
decided to be a Judge there too (she's cool!). Anyway, on to the deck:

4 Jigglypuff (Jungle)
3 Wigglytuff
2 Cleffa (Neo Genesis)
3 Clefairy (Neo Genesis)
2 Clefable
2 Gligar
4 Professor Oak
4 Energy Removal
4 Super Energy Removal
4 PlusPower
3 Computer Search
3 Item Finder
2 Gold Berry
2 Gust of Wind
2 The Rocket's Training Gym
2 Cinnibar City Gym
2 Energy Charge
1 Nightly Garbage Run
4 Double Colorless Energy
4 Recycle Energy
3 Fighting Energy

The deck is basically a Wigglytuff Smack down, with a touch of Clefable, but it uses a TON of Energy Removal and Super Energy Removal (I just love that card!).

Well, it took a while to start the Tourney, so I managed to trade for 3 Promo Scizors (yay!), and a Japanese Reverse-Holo Pichu. Anyway, the tourney started and I had to play my first opponent.

Round 1 - Me (WWF Smackdown) vs. ????? (Haymaker) (I think?)
I don't really remeber too much about this match, except it was a fairly close one. I know that I ended up winning in the end.
1 - 0

About this time, people discovered who I was (duh! I'm ranked first in Wisconsin! With a 2025 rating!).

Round 2 - Me (WWF Smackdown) vs. Reeeeally cocky dude (Sneasel)
I don't mean to call people cocky, but this guy was nuts! He and his friends were CERTAIN that they were going to win the Qualifier. Guess what, they were wrong! It was a VERY tight match (and I'm certain that his friends were giving him signals from behind me), and I just barely managed to beat him. He was SO disappointed.
2 - 0

After that, I felt really good about myself! Also, at about this time, somebody's whole collection of cards were stolen (and thanks to my dad for taping the whole thing! It made fun detective work, but we never did get it back). We also had our lunchbreak now.

Round 3 - Me (WWF Smackdown) vs. ????? (Sneasel)
I could have had the chance to disqualify him, because half of his deck was japanese, and he didn't have any english translations. I decided that proud wins are better than cheap wins, and you could tell he wasn't TOO advanced, although we were DOWN TO THE LINE! It was so close, but I barely managed to win. Phew...
3 - 0

Round 4 - Me (WWF Smackdown) vs. ????? (Haymaker)
Darn it! I can't remeber what kind of deck it was. I think it was a Haymaker though... I know it wasn't
Slowking! Anyway, I can't remeber this match too well, I just remeber that I smoked 'em!
4 - 0

Round 5 - Me (WWF Smackdown) vs. Jeremy Petrocelli (Offensive Slowking)
We spent about 5 minutes shuffling (which was a BAD move...), and then we started. I had him near the beginning, but the he started popping out those Slowkings. He played them offensively, which I found odd. He had Resistance Gym out, and I had a Confused Clefable. Believe it or not, I hit him a good 60-75% of the time, although I didn't Confuse him. In the end, he won because we ran out of time. But thats okay, even though I thought my hopes of winning were close to 0. Boy was I wrong!
4 - 1

Round 6 - Me (WWF Smackdown) vs. ????? (Old Style Haymaker)
Well, I was hoping I could at least take 3rd or 4th. Although I didn't... Anyway, I pretty much whooped him. I got Wiggly out fast, and I kept his Energy low. It was game right there as I took prize after prize after prize. I also took note that Jeremy lost to a Blaine's Arcanine deck (that gave me a good idea!).
5 - 1

Then they were handing out the prizes (from the bottom up, so 1st place would be given their prize last). Everybody got a Booster pack, so even if you were 37th, you still get something! It was hard to hear in there, but I kept listening for my name. I finally heard it near the end, and I got a Booster Box of Neo Genesis! I was walking back, and then they said they needed me back there. I went there and discovered... ...I was the WINNER! The clear-cut WINNER! I won the trips! It must've been the happiest day of my life. I signed all the sheets and stuff, and I got the tickets, so wish me luck at the STS!

We drove home (back to Beloit, WI... ...right on the border of Illinois), after having Pizza of course, and then I opened my packs. I got some really good stuff out of 'em! I'm not going to go into that though...

Props to
My mom for being the Judge (well, one of 'em).
My brother for being there, and trying. (He won a pack!)
My dad for coming and taping the whole thing. (No, he doesn't play the game...)
Myself for winning it! And for having a high rating.
The packs I got.
The kid I played in the third round. He was funny.
Everyone who came and had a great time, wheter or not they won or lost! (That's my motto!)
Slops to:
The "Green Coat Gang" (as we called them). They were the reeeeally cocky ones.
The people who were hanging over me during round 2.
Big Slops to the person who stole that kids whole collection of cards. Shame on you!
My packs for having too many Pokégears and Arcade Games in them.
Anyone who takes Winning/Losing Seriously. (Pokémon is meant for fun!)

Thanks everyone!

Devin "Dr. D" Peltier-Robson

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