Hi pojo,
This is the 1st time I have wrote you. At this touney I traded 27
cards and
battled 3 times. Thank you so very much for posting this.
I battled with a sabrinas alakazam deck 1 time and won but then got home and
fixed it so I cant remember what the deck was :) Because of that i will write
about the 2 I won at the tourney with sneasel deck and the one I played with
my friend.
here is the deck
3 sneasel
3 clefable
2 neo clefairy
1 base clefairy
2 murkrow
2 cleffa
2 ditto
3 full heal energy
4 darkness
4 rainbow
2 recycle
4 double colorless
1 metal
2 chaos gym
2 pluspower
2 computer search
2 nightly garbage run
3 gust of wind
2 eco gym
2 e removal
3 oak
2 gold berry
2 switch
3 berry
2 item finder
game 1vs kid with electabuzz, mime, dragonite, mp mewtwo
I went first and had a bench of 1 clefairy 1 ditto 1 sneazle.
I had 1 search 1 dark 1 recycle and 1 e removal. I drew a clefable and
evolved clefairy then searched my dark energy discarding e removal and
recycle wich went back in my hand. I sent out clefable and attached
and he had electabuzz and I copied thunder punch doing 40 then he
thundershocked me and didnt paralize. I atached dark to sneasel and then
copied thunder punch and did 10 to me and electabuzz fainted. He sent up
another electabuzz and i did the same to him again.
then i attached a dark to sneasel and he sent up dratini and did 10 to me.
Then I retrieted clefable and sent up sneasel and beat him up. I did
same to 2 of his mp mewtwo and he ran out of basics.
game 2 vs kid with grass/psy deck
i got 2 clefairy 1 sneazle and a ditto.
had 2 dark, and a oak in my hand. He had 1 bulbasaur and 1 abra. I
sneazle and attached dark and did 30. He couldnt attack and i attached
another dark and used beatup for the win. He had only 1 abra left and i
beatup and destroyed it
game 3 vs. Christian with fire/electric deck
he wnt first. I had sneasel and 3 basic pokemon cards. and 2 recycle and
oak in my hand. He had 2 electabuzz 2 pikachu 2 voltorb and a fire energy.
he drew and got an electric and did 10 to my sneazle. I had 3 basics on
bench and active sneasel and then I oaked and the recycle energy came back
into my hand
and i got a full heal e, 2 dark e, 1 rainbow e, and 3 other cards. I attached
a dark to sneasel and did 30. He attached a fire to electabuzz and did 30
and 10 to himself. I attached a dark to sneasel and drew another sneasel.
Then i used beat up and killed buzz, then got a dark e for a prize. He
up his next buzz and did 10 to me . I drew a rainbow and attached it to my
other sneasel on the bench then took out his electabuzz. He brought up
and did 20 to me and i fainted. Then I sent up sneasel and attached a dark
and fainted pika. By this time he had a charmeleon and brought it up and
attached an energy. I beat up charmeleon then his 2 voltorb
giving me the win
3-0 :)
you can e-mail me at
my name is guy bennett
please no hate mail