Dragon's Furry
by Anton Lee
San Fransisco, California
Saturday, April 7, 2001
20 people
Well its been a while sense i sent a deck report, but i'm back to playing. This deck
really doesn't have anything to do with Dragon's or anything, the name just sounds
cool. Well if you want to know what this deck is, here it is.
Pokemon: 12
3x Hitmanchan
3x Scyther
3x Electabuzz
1x Cleffa
1x Cleffa(promo)
1x Magby
Energy: 15
6x Fighting
5x Electric
4x Double Colorless
Trainer: 33
4x Computer Search
4x Item Finder
4x PlussPower
3x Oak
3x Rocket's Trap
3x Sneak Attack
2x Imposter Oak's Revenge
2x Bill
2x Nightly
2x Gust
1x Ecogym
1x Sprout Tower
1x Lass
1x Gambler
Well this is a Trapper. I wanted to play something different and fun. This deck
works with a low energy count with Egogym, also Sprout Tower helps out
against some colorless pokemon. 
This tournement had a lot of good decks. There was a $3 entry fee, but the prize 
was $50 store gift card.
Well now for the battles...
Round 1
Me vs. Feraligator Deck
This deck was pretty good. He kept on using trash exchanges and did a lot to
get water energys in his discard. He also had a lot of Gold Berry to keep
feraligator alive. It looked like he had me, but i finally took out Feraligator. He
couldn't recover, i kept betting down his Quagsires, and his laprases.
Round 2
Me vs. Sneassel Deck
This deck was pretty strong. It kept on attacking and kept hitting. It kept attacking
with sneassals, and hitmanchans, and hitmanchans, and some other things. Then
in the end he had used oak like 5 times and ended up decking himself.
Round 3
Me vs. Sloking Deck
This deck kept stopping me and lowing me down, but i got Cleffa(promo) out
before he got sloking. Then i kept drawing cards until i got Magby. Then
i stopped him and took out his Mewtwos. Then i started to slowly take down
his pokes. One by one they slowly went, then he ended up decking because
he used a lot of draw card trainers and stuff.
Round 4
Me vs. Fire deck
I knew he had a lot of very strong pokes, so i wanted to trap him then start taking
him down. Then i just got all my prizes.
Round 5
Me vs. Feraligator Deck (same from before)
This was the finals. He was the only person with only 1 loss. So we battled. This
time he was a head 1 prize to 3. But i still had a chance. He kept removaling
me, but then i got Ecogym out and he still removaled, but it just went back in
my hand. He didn't play stadiums so he couldn't get rid of Eco. Then he started
to take my pokemon down with Feraligator. I couldn't stall for any longer. Then
when he was going to kill off my chan i got out Magby and kept doing damage
while he couldn't. Then i played Scyther and took out his Feraligator. Then i pulle 2
more prizes and won.
I got a lot of cool things with the gift card. I got 3 packs of Ultra Pro Sleeves, blue, red
and white. Then i got some item finders and oaks and other cards to make some
other decks.
Now for Props and Slops-
to the store for have a lot of good cards and cool things
to the feraligator deck, i think i'm gonna make one of those
to nobody
Well that's all.
Well that's all for now
O and for any Q's, Deck help, or just want to say hi
My mail address is