Luiz Comassetto
r us
15 to 20
Some might know me as the fire spinner. This deck is about
using the
dragons (Dragonair and Dragonite) to get out the charizard line quickly. It
also uses cleffa for it's speed. This deck was made earlier but once i got
the entei and promo pichu I added them in before the match. Here's my deck:
Pokemon: 23
3 Charmander (2 base, 1 rocket)
2 Charmeleon
2 Charizard
3 Dratini (2 base, 1 rocket)
3 Dragonair (1 base, 2 dark)
2 Dragonite (1 movie promo, 1 dark)
2 Tauros
2 Cleffa (both are neo)
1 Electabuzz (Neo)
1 Pichu (promo)
1 pikachu (neo)
1 Entei (movie promo)
Trainers: 10
3 Plus powers
2 Computer searches
2 Recall
1 Chaos Gym
1 Professor Elm
1 Pokemon trader
Energy: 27
24 Fire
I have use this deck alot before the tourney,(it has a 22 vs. 6 win ratio)
and i thought it was pretty good.
Round 1: vs. an old school haymaker
This match was rather long, i started with a rocket charmander, base dratini,
comp. search, and 4 fire energy. He used a farfeth'd as his active and a
benched hitmonchan. I got the flip and drew another fire energy. I used
computer search to look for my dark dragonair, attached a fire energy to
charmander, and used tail slap. He attached an enrgy to farfetch'd but leek
slap missed. For the next couple of turns i used d. dragonair's power and got
charmeleon and dark dragonite, but charizard was a prize:(. I used d.
dragonite's power to get my entei and a tauros. He then gusted it out and in
time k.o.ed it. The battle went on for a while and was one-sided in my favor.
Then he used a profesor oak and drew three htmonchans and two bills wich he
used right away to draw a plus power he atached to his scyhter and k.o.ed my
charmeleon. This left me with an entei with only one enregy attached and a
tauros with none. I sent out entei ,drew a fire energy, attached it to entei,
and passed. He attacked and enetei's power failed. I attached another fire
energy to it for the k.o. and drew my charizard, ugh... He forgot to attached
energy to hitmonchan while scyther was still active so he had to attach it to
his ative and did jab. Again, his power failed (lucky.) I drew a professor
elm and used it. I drew three plus powers and attacked for 50. He used a
computer error, (don ask me why.) He drew five while i drew one. On my turn i
drew a Cleffa, i didn't play it though, and used protective flame for the
k.o. (only one prize was left). He attached a fighting energy to hitmonchan
and used jab. This time bolt worked (dang!) I sent out tauros, put cleffa on
the bench, and attached my three plus powers and got heads. He used jab I
then used stomp for the win.
Round 2: vs. a char/venusaur deck
This one fast. I drew a charmander (base), two plus powers, and 4 fire
energy. He had only one basic, base bulbasaur, (yes!) He got the coin flip
and attached a grass energy to bulbasaur. I drew a card, (can't remember
what), attached a fire enrgy and both plus powers for the win.
Round 3: vs. a wiggly deck
This was a boring and long match against a boring deck. The match started out
with me having a base charmander and six fire energy. She had a jiggly, an
erika's jiggly, and a cd promo jiggly. The battle seemed to go on for ever,
noone was drawing their decks main hitter. Then finally i got a comp. search
and got out a charizard, (by then my charmander had evolved and had only 20
hp left). Then then fight was over, i got all my prizes before she got a
single prize, and won the match.
Round 4: vs. a rain dance deck (is it just me or do lots of people seem to
use archtypes:)?)
This one oddly enough was easy. I got Neo pika, electabuzz, and two dce in my
opening hand(with some fire energy). All he had was a base squirtle and a
rocket squirtle. I won the flip, atached a fire energy to pika, flipped and
got heads. (Yes, on down). On his turn he used a bill, and two oaks. He
didn't get single basic pokemon, (i guess). He attached a water energy on
squirtle and paralyzed me with bubble. I drew, attached a dce to electabuzz,
and passed. He tryed another bubble but this i was okay. I drew, retreated,
and used electabuzz for the win and went on to the finals.
Round 5: vs. my friend with a dragon deck
This match was against a friend of mine, Doug, (aka Florida's Lance). As you
can probably already tell i helped him make his deck (that's the kind of nice
guy i am). This was the funest match i fought in the whole tourney. We both
got our power hitters around turn 3 or 4 (his was gyarados). The battle was a
rather easy one because i helped make that deck so i knew how the cards could
be taken down, but even so it was difficult, he was a much luckier player
than me. The battle kept exchanghing wins, first i'd knock some one out, then
he'd ko two, then i did, and so on. For a while the battle seemed even until
i got out d. dragonite, we were both down to our last prizes and he had a
gyarados about ready to ko me, i then comp. searched for a cleffa, retreat d.
dragonite, and used eeeeeeek and got three plus powers. He tryed a dragon
rage and failed. I retreated and sent out d. dragonite, attached a dce, all
three p.p.s and flipped head for the win. (Lucky)
The prize was 3 neo booster packs, 2 Gym challenge, and 2 base two packs.
This deck did very good. Most people think that charizard is useless, well
four of my wins where because of it.
I don't have any props. and slops since this is my first killer deck report
and it all went well
Luiz, The fire spinner
Send any mail (good mail) to charmanderfi@aol.com