A Cheap Deck(probably my most
powerful deck so far)
scyther x3(neo2-FurryCutter can do at least 10-90!!!)
Tyrogue x3(neo2-30 for 1*energy,
this card Rocks !!!)
Pikachu x3(neo1-30 for 1*Energy can be dangerous!)
Oddish x3(R-Not that great but
good status effects)
D.Gloom x2(R-Use when Tyrougue is active, If you flip
tails you can still retreat)
Grimer x3(R-mostly Useless but great when
D.muk x3 (R-The Main hitter of the deck,great pkmn!!!)
igglypuff x2(Im Sorry To all
slowking Lovers >_<)
Prof Elm x4(neo1-drawin power Elm Rocks!!!
Garbage Run x2(R-Known as NGR,nice card!!)
Sabrina psychic Control x2 (GChall-great
Rockets Hideout x3(neo3-protects D.muk/D. gloom)
R.secret experiment x2(Gym
Chall-good comp search)
gold berry x3(Duh 4
Double gust x2(Gust N Punch!)
Grass Energy
So lets get on to da tourney(
This tourney does NOT
go according to the Rocket-on Format, but my deck can be used for both
types of tourney! ^.^
Round1 vs kid with Lt surge Pikachu deck
I was pretty tense and nervous,but when my
name was called out, I knew i was going to try my best ^-^ And to my
dissapointment, it went fast and easy.-_- I started with a tyrogue and 6
grass!NOOOOOOO!!! Luckily we went 1 on 1.I went first! with tyrogue vs Lt
pikachu drew an elm, attached a grass to tybudi(Ok If I use a
Nickname!?^-^),elmed put down a pikachu and smashed punch...heads!!!!! YES!!!
Yes!!! Alright!!! He was pretty upset but i helped him take out his Lt pikachu
and replaced them with the pikachus i traded to him( I had Spares and got the
smoochums i wanted ^-^)
Round2 vs guy with
electa/magmar/clefable deck
This game was hard as we battled back and
forth. But to make a long story short,we finally got down to 1 prize each. He
send out cleffa hoping to stall for his magmar.(i had d.muk out with 4 damage
counters) I took a chance and s.punch...Heads on the dice. we shook after
that.Great guy, He was pretty good.
In Between rounds I traded an Articuno for a
neo3 lugia.
Round 3 vs Ryan with
Scizor/sneasel deck
I started with pikachu active and another pikachu benched.He started
with scyther active and Mysterious
fossil bench.I went first and drew a double
gust,used it and gusted out his m fossil attached and killed it. he sends out
scyther,attaches grass and passes.I drew iggly, benched iggly and quick attack
for 30. he attaches and passes.I attach a grass to bech pikachu and attacked for
10 to scyther. he draws ,attaches a darkness,a pluspower and a gold berry and
pikachu dies :>C<:.I send pikachu and attack for 30. He attacks with
40-40(GoldB)+20(dark)+30=50 damage on scyther and he does 40 to pikachu. I
passed and scyther died!!! We Shook hands after.
In between turns i went to view a few people
playing and i saw slowking decks, sneasel decks,and scizor decks. Only 1 person
was playing a wiggly deck and i saw his opponent gettin creamed.I felt sorry for
the guy since he had not drawn anything while the wiggly guy had drawn every
prize and burned 9/10 of his deck of his deck. Little did i know that the wiggly
guy would be my next opponent.
Round 4 vs Same wiggly guy above with Wiggly/hitmo/gligar deck
We started out slow and this was
where scyther made a big impact. His himos just fell into the cutters of the
almighty scyther as i dominated his gligars and hitmos like pancakes. He did
manage to get a wiggly and 3 bench, but I had a scyther ready and miraculously i
got all heads and furry the bad puff to the discard pile. He surrended as all he
had was gligars and hitmos. The guy who had been beaten previously was
Round5 vs lapras/articuno
Well we
started by having a deck check and ended up mixing up each others deck. After a
10 minute delay, we
managed to battle.To make a long story short, D.muk came out turn two
and cleared my path to victory as i sludge punch his lapras and articuno to the
discard pile.he was a pretty good player.
So for the FIRST time i WON my first
tourney!!! ...
...and i got... 3rd place??! ...What is this?! ... Aren't i supposed to
get first?!! ... It just isn't fair!!! ..:>c<:...
I got a gym challenge booster
and i got a misty's wish inside "BOO!!!"
So its time for the props and
my mum for
taking me to the tourney and paying the 3$ entry fee
everyone i battled and traded at
the tourney
everyone who tried their best at the tourney
you if read this ^.^(*You have
every right to copy this
deck and i would be please to see u
use it ^_^)
Pojo for being a Great cool Site (STAY COOL!!! ***)
Slops to the tourney judges who
placed me 3rd, even though i won square & fair
Thanx 4 readin
Email me at
Have a nice day ^__^