by Black
Altered States
Syaracuse, NY
November 4, 2001
About 15 people
I have lately been posting about this deck on the wizpog
boards, and I got very good advice. Lately I took it to the pokemon league
at Altered States. I had very good sucess too. I started this deck a
while ago and have been playtesting it ever since. It works so well.
I had beaten 3 sneasel that day. As you can tell I was playing under
the modified format, but everyon else was playing under the standard format.
Not a lose all day. Well anyway onto the
deck......Gatr.........Gatr...............(I love saying that)
4 Feraligatr (riptide)
4 Croconaw
(sweep away)
4 Totodile (fury swipes)
3 Cleffa (eeeeeeek)
1 Magby
1 Elekid
1 Brock's Mankey (taunt)
4 Focus Band
4 Pro. Elm
4 Misty's Wrath
3 Trash Exchange
3 Double Gust
3 Secret Mission
2 Healing Field
1 The Rocket's Training Gym
1 Nightly Garbage Run
17 Water Energy
Vs. Old School Haymaker
My hand was pretty bad. I got 3 water energy, misty's wrath, elekid, cleffa, and an elm. As you know while playing Gatr there is about no hand that you can't fix. Quickly I wrathed and got a dile and a focus. Played the dile a focus and a water energy on it. Elmed to get a croconaw and a GATR and some other junk. This was my setup. He put out pokemon and I knocked them out. Later when the prize count was 2-6, he had an electabuzz that kept on paralyzing me. I killed it with a elekid. Then at the last prize he stalled me for 5 turns with super potion and Mr. Mime combo. It gopt relly annoying but I knocked it out with elekid.
Vs. Sneasel
This was fun. He thaught he was so good cause he played sneasel and ran the pokemon league. HA!!!! he was wrong. He also didnt know alot about the rules on cards and told me 4 wraths would deck me. HA!!! wrong again. He powered up two sneasels and I killed them. I got lucky with focus. By turn three I had a knockout every turn. It was fun to make him stop being so cocky.
Vs. Blastoise deck
This kid set his deck. After our match I saw him doing this. I don't care thought I creamed him. He played his wrtortale on the bench an I double giusted it out. Then I Killed his cleffa a few turn later.
Some guy wanted to see my deck because the guy who had the Sneasel deck told him I was really good. He looked at it and I asked him if he would play me. He declined. Someone told me he gives away boosters if you beat him and he said "what do you think I'm stupid." I then played my friend with his deck.
Vs. Slowking Giovanni's Nidoking.
I helped him put this deck together. It is very good. He had me screwed for about 2 turns but with the manage of 1 turn I had gotten enough water energy in my discard pile to kill his Nidoking. It went downhill from there for him. At the end it was 4-0 I win.
My 36 pack of water dice (they always get heads for my)
Chaos Gym