H20 Fury v1.2 (Water)
by Kevin de Freitas
Livraria Exótica
Piracicaba, Brazil
Thursday, October 18th,
Roughly 24 total participants
I am a Brazilian, and i am a participant of the official ranking of here. I disputed many tournaments with this deck, including the championship of the international encounter of RPG, but the judge of tournament change the rules of some cards, then many participants had a bad acting. Now I participate in tournaments accomplished in Livraria Exótica. This deck guaranteed for me the first position in the national rank for 2 months.
H2O Fury v1.2
4 Squirtle (basic set)
2 Blastoise (basic
set) - you removed all my energies? fortunately I have the ecogym with
Blastoise for put the energies again.
2 Articuno (movie promo) - fight
resistance and kill some babies
3 Swinub (neo genesis) - to irritate
electabuzz and rocket zapdos
2 Piloswine (neo genesis) - lightining
resistance and kill some babies to.
2 Unown N and D (neo genesis) - normal
and dark resistances (bye wiggly, chansey and sneasel)
2 Igglybuff (neo
discovery) - bye slowkings
3 Computer Search
3 Item Finder
1 Super
Energy Removal - remove double colorless, dark and rainbow and let you opponent
very sad.
4 Plus Power - kill all pokémons with 70hp in just one attack
Professor Oak
3 Gust of Wind - the right opponent pokémon at the right
2 Switch - the right pokémon at the right time
2 Pokémon Breeder -
blastoise in second turn hahahahahha
4 Pokémon Center - I am dying? not
2 Ecogym - energy returns and are played again
1 Nightly Garbage Run
- take blastoises, articuno from the discard back to the deck
15 Water Energy
TOTAL (17+28+15=60)
Match 1 vs Junior
Junior is my brother, then we resolve give a
intentional draw.
Match 2 vs Luciano with an Alakazam
The first round against him finish in just one
turn, him had only one Abra (basic set) and I started with a swinub, I put a
water energy and one plus power, used a computer search and buy another plus
power. Second round he played a alakazam in the second turn, was difficult
because him remove the damage in his pokémon, but he made a great error, he
forgot move one damage from the alakazam, then I gust the alakazam switch to the
blastoise put 5 energy e item finder a plus power, after this the match was
Match 3 vs Joji (Electric Deck)
I start the match with
some fear. In the first round he didn't have energy cards, then I put blastoise
in the game the fastest possible, then I killed the 2 electabuzz of him. In the
second round, I put the swinub in front and I was very luck because him can't
wake up from the asleep.
Match 4 vs Diego (Sneasel-Electabuzz-Muk deck)
The first
round I just don't left him put his muk in play. In the second round him put the
muk in play, removed my ecogym from play and removed all my energies then I
loss. The final round I killed the electabuzzes and removed all dark and rainbow
energies that he possessed and when he put muk in play him don't have more
removals and all of my pokémon were energized, then I win.
Match 5 vs Leandro (Wiggly-Hitmonchan-Electabuzz)
the rounds was difficult, mainly the second because he killed all my blastoises.
But in the rounds, I changed my pokémons in agreement with the resistances that
I possessed, articuno for attack hitmonchan, swinub and piloswine for attack
electabuzz, and I removed all double-colorless from his wigglytuff, with some
patience (that was ending, therefore I wanted to beat in two young boys that was
irritating me, giving you palpitate and commenting the match on my side) I
I won the tournament and my brother stay in the second place, I won a gym challenge booster and the rare card inside the booster was a Erika's Dragonair, that I changed for a Rocket Zapdos. Now I will change my deck and put some Suicune's inside.
Props and Slops
Props to Vitor for the Rocket
Props to Luciano for forget the damage in Alakazam.
Slops to
William and Vinicius the two irritating boys.
Slops to my bad english,
because I'm a brazilian.
Domo Arigato Gozaimasu (Thank You - In Japanese)
Kevin "Foca" de Freitas