Inferno Beam
By Daniel Phuah
Toyzbar Atria
11 Players
Saturday, 3 November 2001
Well, this is my first time posting a Killer Deck Report on So here it goes:
Inferno Beam
4x Magmar(fossil)
2x Elekid
2x Tyrogue
2x Chansey
2x Erika's Jigglypuff
10x Fire Energy
4x Double Colorless Energy
2x Metal Energy
4x Gold Berry
4x Gust of Wind
4x Computer Search
4x Item Finder
4x Pluspower
3x Ecogym
3x Professor Oak
2x Professor Elm
2x Scoop Up
2x Gambler(finding for a NGR to replace it)
1st Round:Inferno Beam vs Blastoise Deck
I was a bit scared when I heard that the person I was fighting with used a Blastoise deck. But I started first with a Tyrogue and he started with a Squirtle(base). I drew a Double Colorless Energy, used Computer Search for an Erika's Jigglupuff and put in on my bench. Then I attached a Double Colorless Energy to Erika's Jigglypuff and killed his Squirtle.I won the match.
1-0    3 Points
2nd Round: Inferno Beam vs Slowking/Steelix deck
I can't really remember how this match was. All I remember is that person was bashing my deck. I lost.
1-1    3 Points
3rd Round:Inferno Beam vs Gligar Deck
I started with an Erika's Jigglypuff and he had a Gligar. I attached a DCE and kept on using Professor Oak to get 2 Plupowers. I killed his Gligar
and won.
2-1    6 Points
4th Round:Inferno Beam vs B. Charizard Deck
I started with a Tyrogue vs his B. Charmander. I attached a fighting energy to Tyrogue and put 2 pluspowers. Then I used Professor Elm. I got an Elekid and an Erika's Jigglypuff. I used smash punch and got tails. His turn, he attached a fire energy to B. Charmander and used Professor Elm.
He didn't get any basic Pokemon and he failed to attack my Tyrogue. My turn, I used Erika's Jigglypuff with a DCE and Computer Searched for a Pluspower and killed his B. Charmander. I won. But he said I was cheating because he didn't saw what I did. So we played a rematch. This time I started with a Tyrogue and he had B. Charmander. I started first, attached a Fire Energy and 2 Pluspowers and used Professor Elm to get some basics. I used smash punch and flipped heads. I won. Now he said I was cheating because my coin was a little bit bend.
But my coin wasn't bend at all. So I won.
3-1    9 Points
I got 2nd place and won a Team Rocket Booster Pack and I got a Here Comes Team Rocket Holofoil(BOO!) but I also got a Nightly Garbage Run(YAY!).
Thanks for reading!
by:Daniel Phuah